Table of Contents


Native offers are new objects that associate to native creatives in a one to many fashion. The common assets of a native offer include a title, description offer, call to action, etc. that can be applied to many different creatives in order to improve efficiency.

Creative FieldsDescription
Native Offer Name*Name of the native offer
Advertiser*Advertiser under which you are creating this native offer. Native offers can be assigned to any line item beneath this advertiser only.
How will this Native Offer be used?Native Offer template you are using for associated creatives. Templates correspond to the other creative types.
App Icon***Icon image (with extension .gif, .jpg, .jpeg or .png). If you choose to add a companion asset, upload the creative asset OR choose an existing asset.  Dimensions must be 128x128 or larger with same aspect ratio.
Advertiser Logo**Logo image (with extension .gif, .jpg, .jpeg or .png). If you choose to add a companion asset, upload the creative asset OR choose an existing asset.  Dimensions must be 128x128 or larger with same aspect ratio.
Title*Title of the Native Offer, 25 character max
Description*Description of the native offer including ad copy, 90 character max
Call to Action**Call to action for the native offer, 15 character max
Advertiser NameAdvertiser name for the native offer, 25 character max
App Store NameApp store name for the native offer, 15 characters max
Star RatingApp store rating
CurrencyCurrency of cost of app
PricePrice of app
ActiveWhether the creative is active or inactive. Active Line Items must have at least one active creative associated to them.

* = required for all native offers

**= required for content offers

***=required for app install offers