Table of Contents


Events can be used to track conversions, installs, or other key activities, which will be counted as "Conversions" in Query Tool reporting. More information on the concept of Attribution is available here.


Creation Steps

  1. Click the “+New” button and select Events.

  2. Complete the Event form:

    • Event Name: Name of the conversion event.
    • Advertiser: Advertiser associated with the conversion event.
    • Event Type (optional): Select the applicable event type (e.g., Purchase, Landing Page, Sign-up, Lead, Other), or leave this blank.
    • Segment (optional): If a segment is selected, users who convert with this event will be automatically added to that segment.
    • Value: Default value (in U.S. dollars) that a conversion event is worth. This value will be used in reporting if no value is present in the event tag. It is a mandatory field but can be set to 0. The value will only appear in conversion logs if populated in the tag.
    • Click Window: Lookback window (in days) for click conversion attribution, with a default of 30 days.
    • View Window: Lookback window (in days) for view conversion attribution, also with a default of 30 days.
    • Alternative ID (optional): Any number or string used to map this object in Beeswax to an object in the internal system.
    • Attribution: Select the type of attribution for this event. If this event is a postback event, this field should be left as is, as it does not apply to postback methods. The two possible dropdown values are:
      • “All Line Items for this Advertiser are eligible for this Event”: Conversions will be attributed to activity from all line items under this advertiser. This is the default attribution functionality.
      • “Only selected Campaigns and Line Items for this Advertiser are eligible for this Event”: Specify which line items or campaigns are eligible for this conversion event. The “Custom Event Association” toggle must be set to “Yes” to select campaigns and line items for events. This option cannot be changed once saved for an event.

    More information on Attribution Types can be found in Conversion and Attribution Setup (Non-Postback)

  3. Under the Tag Type section on the right side, select the desired tag type to generate:

    • Generic image tag (recommended for web)
    • Image tag using Alternative ID to add users into segments
    • Generic URL for mobile app install Postback

  4. Click Save & Generate Tag.

  5. Copy and paste the generated tag.

  6. Follow the implementation steps for the JavaScript tag below. Implementation information for postbacks can be found here: Postback Handling for Conversions.

More information about conversion events is available here: Conversion Events Documentation.

Implementation of JavaScript Tag for Web Environment

To implement a generic JavaScript tag, consider the following parameters and possible edits:

  • (optional) [VALUE]: Populate with a number to set the real-time conversion value. If omitted, the tag value set during event creation in Buzz will be used in Report Builder reporting but will not appear in Conversion Logs.

  • (optional) [ORDER]: Replace with a number for the number of items purchased as part of the conversion.

  • (required) [ORD]: Replace with a random number generated at runtime. The complete code block for implementation is as follows:

var cachebuster = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000000),
    img = new Image();
img.width = 0;
img.height = 0;

// Replace this with the event conversion tag generated

img.src = '[VALUE]&segment_key=12345&order=[ORDER]&ord=' + cachebuster;

document.body.appendChild(img); // or place it wherever needed

More information about these parameters can be found here:  Conversion Tags