Overview |
Inventory targeting is commonly used to optimize performance of your campaigns. In general, the best practice is to EXCLUDE target the inventory that is not performing well for you. Deal IDs are an exception to this general rule since Deal IDs are typically INCLUDE targeted. |
Since most of the targeting keys in inventory are exchange specific IDs, we require you to prepend the exchange abbreviation to the ID to ensure uniqueness. See a list of the exchange abbreviations on the Supply Partners page.
Example: Targeting a Rubicon Site ID
Targeting Key | Description | Recommendation | |
App Bundle List | App bundles are consistent across exchanges. For iOS, they are typically the numeric ID of the app in the app store, e.g. 1207472156. For Android, they are typically strings representing the name of the app such as com.game.android. To create a list:
| Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting | |
App ID List | An app ID is an exchange-specific unique ID, prefixed with the exchange code. For example, on MoPub: mp/12345 To create a list:
| Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting | |
App Name | The app name is a string description of the app - this is often blank or not provided by the exchange. | Use INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting. | |
Deal ID | Exchange specific Deal ID. Bids on Deal IDs are treated as higher priority than open auction bids and typically have additional deal terms associated to them, including a higher price floor. More details available on deal IDs here. Required that you prepend the exchange abbreviation, for example “rp/12345” You MUST have explicit permission to use a deal ID for from either the publisher who owns the deal, the exchange who offers the deal, or Beeswax (if it is a publicly usable PMP). If you have discovered a Deal ID from your Metamarkets dashboard, please confirm with your Beeswax Customer Success Manager about your eligibility to use said Deal ID. | Use as INCLUDE targeting | |
Deal ID List | Find details on Deal ID Lists here You MUST have explicit permission to use a deal ID for from either the publisher who owns the deal, the exchange who offers the deal, or Beeswax (if it is a publicly usable PMP). If you have discovered a Deal ID from your Metamarkets dashboard, please confirm with your Beeswax Customer Success Manager about your eligibility to use said Deal ID. | Use as INCLUDE targeting | |
Domain List | Find details on Domain Lists here | Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting | |
Placement ID | Exchange specific ID for the placement. A placement ID maps to a unique tag ID on the publisher’s site. This is the most granular segmentation of inventory and should be used if domain or site IDs are not providing granular enough control. Required that you prepend exchange abbreviation, for example “rp/12345”. | Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting | |
Placement ID List | List of Placement IDs. To create a list:
| Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting | |
Publisher ID | Exchange specific ID for the publisher. A publisher ID maps to a "seller" of the media for a given publisher and can be direct from a publisher or a reseller. Required that you prepend exchange abbreviation, for example “rp/12345”. | Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting | |
Publisher ID List | List of Publisher IDs. To create a list:
| Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting | |
Site ID | Exchange specific ID for the website. Depending on how the publisher segments this inventory, the site ID could be a single domain or multiple domains. Required that you prepend exchange abbreviation, for example “rp/12345”. | Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting | |
Site ID List | List of Site IDs. To create a list:
| Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting |