Table of Contents


The Events Report allows users to quickly monitor Event tags that are placed to track conversions. It supports several use cases such as:

  • Quickly verify that an Event tag is properly implemented on a customer's page and is correctly calling Beeswax.
  • Monitor the last time an Event tag fired to check the tag is still active on a customer’s site.
  • Calculate an achievable KPI using organic conversions as a benchmark.

Included Metrics:

Please note that these metrics show the total number of times the Event tag was called. To see only attributed conversions, please use the ‘Conversions’ measure in alternative Report Builder reports.







Month Name



Broadcast MonthBroadcast months start on a Monday and end on the last Sunday of the calendar month. The next broadcast month starts at midnight on the Monday that follows.

Advertiser ID

Beeswax Advertiser ID

Advertiser Name

Beeswax Advertiser Name

Advertiser Alternative ID

Customer Advertiser ID

Account ID

Account ID of Buzz key

Account Name

Beeswax Account Name

Event ID

Beeswax Event ID

Event Name

Beeswax Event Name

Event Type

Postback or Non-postback


Event Tag Fire Count

Total count of events tag fired

Event Order

Order number or identifier for that purchase or event

Event Value

In USD $0.00