Overview |
The Segment Delivery Report allows users to see how impressions and performance metrics index across different targeted Segment IDs. An individual record in the Segment Delivery Report represents one impression delivered against a single segment. As an impression can target and match against multiple segments, there can be multiple records for the same impression. Therefore, one should not expect the sum of records to match the total impressions served by that line item (as seen in other Report Builder reports). |
Lookback range is limited to 6 months. |
Dimension Name | Dimension Description |
Date/Hour | YYYY-MM-DD HH:00 - Based on the bid time for the impression |
Broadcast Month | Broadcast months start on a Monday and end on the last Sunday of the calendar month. The next broadcast month starts at midnight on the Monday that follows. |
Segment Alternative ID | Customer Alternative Segment ID |
Segment Key | Beeswax Segment Key in format: <buzzkey>-<segment_ID> |
Segment Name | Beeswax Segment Name |
Account ID | Beeswax Buzzkey Account ID |
Account Name | Beeswax Buzzkey Account Name |
Advertiser ID | Beeswax Advertiser ID |
Advertiser Name | Beeswax Advertiser Name |
Advertiser Alt ID | Customer Alternative Advertiser ID |
Campaign ID | Beeswax Campaign ID |
Campaign Alt ID | Customer Alternative Campaign ID |
Campaign Name | Beeswax Campaign Name |
Creative ID | Beeswax Creative ID |
Creative Name | Beeswax Creative Name |
Creative Alt ID | Customer Creative Alternative ID |
Creative Size | Creative Dimensions - Width x Height |
Line Item ID | Beeswax Line Item ID |
Line Item Alt ID | Customer Line Item Alternative ID |
Line Item Name | Beeswax Line Item Name |
Flight ID | Beeswax Flight ID |
Flight Name | Beeswax Flight Name |
Environment Type | APP, WEB, UNKNOWN |
Currency | Currency of the line item |
Placement Type | Placement Type of the impression (banner, video, native, banner_and_video, unknown) |
Viewability Vendor Name | Name of the viewability vendor’s pixel being used on the Creative |
Metric Name | Metric Description |
Impressions | Number of impressions counted |
Clicks | Number of clicks counted |
Conversions | Number of conversions attributed on User_ID. Note that the timeframe will be based on the bid time for the impression, and not the time of conversion like in the Conversion Report. Segment Delivery Report does not currently distinguish between event IDs. Only certain other reports have this offering. |
Conversion Orders | Number of items purchased during a Conversion (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer) |
Conversion Value | Conversion value in USD $0.00 (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer) |
IP Conversion | Number of conversions attributed on IP Address |
IP Conversion Value | IP Conversion value in USD $0.00 (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer) |
IP Conversion Orders | Number of items purchased during an IP Conversion (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer) |
Video Plays | Number of video plays |
Video Q1s | Number of videos that played to at least 25% completion |
Video Midpoints | Number of videos that played to at least 50% completion |
Video Q3s | Number of videos that played to at least 75% completion |
Video Completes | Number of videos that played to 100% completion |
Video Complete Percent | Percentage of videos completed by user |
Video Skips | Number of video skips performed |
CTR | Click Through Rate - number of clicks over number of impressions |
CPC | Cost Per Click |
Spend | Media Spend + Vendor Fees in USD ($) |
Inventory Cost | Exchange clearing price in USD ($) |
CPM | Cost per 1000 impressions - in USD ($) |
Viewable Impressions | The number of impressions where at least 50% of an ad was in view for more than a second |
Measurable Impressions | The number of impressions where viewability was measured by the vendor Creative Add-on |
vCPM | The CPM calculated against viewable impressions |
Viewability % | Viewable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by Beeswax |
Measurable Imp % | Measurable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by Beeswax |
Viewability/Measurability % | Viewable Impressions / Measurable Impressions |
Viewable Seconds | Total number of seconds that were viewable |
Average Viewable Seconds | Viewable seconds / Viewable Impressions |