Overview |
The Conversion Report shows granular conversion details for a campaign or line items such as conversion type, attribution method, and so on.
Lookback range is limited to 24 months. |
Day | YYYY-MM-DD - Based on time of conversion. |
Month | Month name |
Year | YYYY |
Broadcast Month | Broadcast months start on a Monday and end on the last Sunday of the calendar month. The next broadcast month starts at midnight on the Monday that follows. |
Advertiser ID | Beeswax Advertiser ID |
Advertiser Name | Beeswax Advertiser Name |
Event ID | Beeswax Event ID |
Event Name | Beeswax Event Name |
Account ID | Beeswax Account ID |
City Code | City Code |
City | City Name |
Country Code | Country Code |
Country | Country Name |
Metro/DMA Code | Metro/Demographic Market Area Code |
Metro/DMA | Metro/Demographic Market Area Name |
Region/State Code | Region/State Code |
Region/State | Region/State Name |
Zip | Zip Code |
Conversions | Number of conversions attributed on User_ID |
Conversion Value | Conversion value in USD $0.00 (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer) |
Conversion Orders | Number of items purchased during a Conversion (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer) |
IP Conversion | Number of conversions attributed on IP Address |
IP Conversion Value | IP Conversion value in USD $0.00 (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer) |
IP Conversion Orders | Number of items purchased during an IP Conversion (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer) |