Table of Contents


The Conversion Report shows granular conversion details for a campaign or line items such as conversion type, attribution method, and so on.

Please note that this report is time-stamped as per the conversion time versus other reports that show conversion time-stamped by impression. 


Lookback range is limited to 24 months.

DayYYYY-MM-DD - Based on time of conversion.
MonthMonth name
Broadcast MonthBroadcast months start on a Monday and end on the last Sunday of the calendar month. The next broadcast month starts at midnight on the Monday that follows.
Advertiser IDBeeswax Advertiser ID
Advertiser NameBeeswax Advertiser Name
Event IDBeeswax Event ID
Event NameBeeswax Event Name
Account ID Beeswax Account ID
City CodeCity Code
CityCity Name
Country CodeCountry Code
CountryCountry Name
Metro/DMA CodeMetro/Demographic Market Area Code
Metro/DMAMetro/Demographic Market Area Name
Region/State CodeRegion/State Code
Region/StateRegion/State Name
 Zip Zip Code


ConversionsNumber of conversions attributed on User_ID
Conversion ValueConversion value in USD $0.00 (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer)
Conversion OrdersNumber of items purchased during a Conversion (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer)
IP ConversionNumber of conversions attributed on IP Address
IP Conversion ValueIP Conversion value in USD $0.00 (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer)
IP Conversion OrdersNumber of items purchased during an IP Conversion (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer)