Table of Contents


The Platform Report uses specific measures to show how your campaign or line item is performing on different platforms. You can run a report to see campaign or line item information based on granular platform details such as browser details, operating system, and so on.


Lookback range is limited to 6 months.

MonthMonth Name
Broadcast MonthBroadcast months start on a Monday and end on the last Sunday of the calendar month. The next broadcast month starts at midnight on the Monday that follows.
Advertiser IDBeeswax Advertiser ID
Advertiser NameBeeswax Advertiser Name
Campaign IDBeeswax Campaign ID
Campaign NameBeeswax Campaign Name
Line Item IDBeeswax Line Item ID
Line Item NameBeeswax Line Item Name
Creative IDBeeswax Creative ID
Creative NameBeeswax Creative Name
BrowserBrowser Type; -1 if unknown
Browser VersionBrowser version number
Javascript Enabled0 if no; 1 if yes; -1 if unknown
Platform OSPlatform Operating System, i.e. iOS
Platform OS VersionPlatform Operating System version, i.e. 6. -1 if unknown
Account IDBeeswax Account ID
Device MakeDevice Manufacturer
Device ModelDevice Model Code
Device TypeDevice Type (e.g. MOBILE, TABLET, PC)
Placement TypePlacement type of the impression (banner, video, banner and video, native, unknown)
Flight NameBeeswax Flight Name
Flight IDBeeswax Flight ID


SpendIn USD $0.00
CPMCost per 1000 impressions - in USD
ImpressionsNumber of impressions counted
ClicksNumber of clicks counted
CTRClick Through Rate - number of clicks over number of impressions
Video PlaysNumber of video plays
Video Q1sNumber of videos that played to at least 25% completion
Video MidpointsNumber of videos that played to at least 50% completion
Video Q3sNumber of videos that played to at least 75% completion
Video Complete PercentPercentage of video completed by user
Video CompletesNumber of videos that played to 100% completion
Video SkipsNumber of video skips performed
vCPMThe CPM calculated against viewable impressions
Viewable ImpressionsThe number of impressions where at least 50% of an ad was in-view for more than a second
Viewability %Viewable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by Beeswax
Measurable Imp %Measurable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by Beeswax
Viewability/Measurability %Viewable Impressions / Measurable Impressions
Viewable SecondsTotal number of seconds that were viewable
Average Viewable SecondsViewable Seconds / Viewable Impressions
ConversionsNumber of conversions attributed on User_ID
Conversion ValueConversion value in USD $0.00 (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer)
Conversion OrdersNumber of items purchased during a Conversion (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer)
IP ConversionNumber of conversions attributed on IP Address
IP Conversion ValueIP Conversion value in USD $0.00 (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer)
IP Conversion OrdersNumber of items purchased during an IP Conversion (optionally passed to Beeswax by customer)