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OneStrata has a large number of fields and terms related to costs and cost calculations, in order to effectively handle complex pricing scenarios that may involve multiple types of currencies.

  • Cost methods: The cost method defines what types of cost-related fields interact in which types of ways, in order to determine what is billed to the client, what is paid to the vendor, and what is income to the agency
  • Agency, Client, and Vendor Currencies: What type of currency or currencies the agency, client, and vendor transact in.
  • Cost Types: Cost- and rate-related fields

Cost Methods

Cost methods define what type of cost-related fields are available, and how they are calculated. Depending on the selected cost method option, some cost-related fields are related and can be calculated from each other, and some fields are not. 

Each top-level line on a Schedule Grid (a Cost Package, a standalone Media Package that is not part of a Cost Package, or a standalone Placement) can apply a different cost method.

There are three cost method options:

  • Standard: Available for all OneStrata enterprises by default
  • Margin: Gated and managed by FreeWheel, available on request

  • Allocated: Available for all OneStrata enterprises by default 
Cost MethodDescription

Standard Cost Method

Vendor costs and client costs are connected: Vendor Gross Cost = Client Gross Cost

If one set of vendor or client costs (a combination of Unit and Rate, Unit and Total Cost, or Rate and Total Cost) are defined, all other Cost Types, like Client Commission or Vendor Discount, can be calculated from that set.

Margin Cost Method

Vendor costs and client costs are not directly connected, and are calculated separately: Vendor Net Cost =/= Client Net Cost

If one set of vendor costs are defined, the other vendor cost types can be calculated from that set but the client cost types cannot, and vice versa.

Vendor and client costs are connected by a third value, the Margin Percentage value:

  • Vendor Net Cost = Client Net Cost - (Client Net Cost x Margin Percentage)
  • The difference between the Vendor Net Cost and the Client Net Cost creates a "margin", which is income to the Agency. This amount is captured in the Other Income value.

Allocated Cost Method

The client has allocated, or set aside, a fixed amount of budget to cover both the cost of the media and any related agency fees.

Costs are calculated in the following order:

  1. The Allocated Amount is entered.
  2. The Allocated Fee Cost is calculated and subtracted from the Allocated Amount. The difference is the Client Net Cost.
    1. Client Net Cost = Allocated Amount - Allocated Fee Cost
  3. All other costs and rates are calculated from the Client Net Cost, similar to the Standard cost method option.


OneStrata provides support for up to three different currencies within a single transaction:

  • Agency Currency, or AC for short
  • Client Currency, or CC for short
  • Vendor Currency, or VC for short

Costs and rates are shown in one or more of these currencies, with AC, CC, or VC appended to indicate which currency type the value is in.

Currency TypeDescriptionOrigin

Agency Currency


Base Currency

Local Currency

The currency in which the Agency transacts. All cost lines in a campaign must be in the same Agency Currency.

Agency Currency is defined on the Agency record, on the Administration > Entity Management > Agencies > (Specific Agency) > Details tab.

Each Agency has only one Agency Currency.

Client Currency


Billing Currency

The currency in which the Agency bills the Client. All cost lines in a campaign must be in the same Client Currency.

Client Currency is defined on the Client record, on the Administration > Entity Management > Clients > (Specific Client) > Details tab.

Each Client has only one Client Currency.

Vendor Currency


Payable Currency

The currency in which the Agency pays the Vendor. Each cost line in a campaign can be in a different Vendor Currency.

Vendor Currency is defined on the Contract record, on the Administration > Entity Management > Contracts > (Specific Contract) tab.

A Contract may have one or more Vendor Currencies.

Cost Types

In OneStrata, cost types—fields related to calculating costs—are broadly grouped into three types:

  • Client costs: Costs between the agency and the client
  • Vendor costs: Costs between the agency and the vendor
  • Other costs: Non-client-related and non-vendor-related costs

When a cost type is displayed or used, it specifies which type of currency the cost type is in:

  • Example: Vendor Net Cost (VC) refers to the vendor net cost, displayed in the Vendor Currency
  • Example: Vendor Net Cost (CC) refers to the vendor net cost, displayed in the Client Currency

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Cost Type GroupCost TypeDescriptionOriginCalculation (Standard Cost Model With 1 Tax)

Client Commission Cost

Client Commission

The amount of commission that the client is charged.

CalculatedClient Commission = Client Commission Percentage x Client Commission Basis

Client Commission Percentage

Client Commission Rule

Client Commission %

Commission Percent

The percentage of commission that the client is charged.

Defined on the Administration > Entity Management > Clients > (Specific Client) > Commissions tab


Client Commission Basis

Commission Basis


The cost type that the Client Commission Percentage is applied to: Client Gross Cost or Client Net Cost.

  • Client Gross Cost: The amount that the client is quoted, before any discounts are applied.
  • Client Net Cost: The amount that the client is charged for the media purchases, after any discounts are applied but before any commission or taxes are added.
Defined on the Administration > Entity Management > Clients > (Specific Client) > Commissions tabN/A

Client Discount

Client Passback

The amount of the Vendor Discount that is passed on to the client.

CalculatedClient Discount = Vendor Discount x Client Passback Percentage

Client Discount Percentage

Client Discount Rule

Client Discount %

The percentage of the Vendor Net Cost or Vendor Gross Cost that is passed on to the client as a discount.

  • Vendor Net Cost: The amount that the vendor charges for the media purchase(s), after any discounts are applied but before any taxes are added.
  • Vendor Gross Cost: The amount that the vendor quotes, before any standard discounts are applied and any taxes are added.
CalculatedClient Discount Percentage = Vendor Discount Percentage
 x Client Passback Percentage

Client Gross Cost

Client Gross

The amount that the client is quoted, before any discounts are applied.

  • Entered in schedule
  • Calculated

Client Gross = Vendor Gross


Client Gross Rate

The cost per unit that the client is quoted, before any discounts are applied.


If Rate Type is not CPM-based:
Client Gross Rate = Client Gross Cost / Units

If Rate Type is CPM-based:
Client Gross Rate = (Client Gross Cost / Units) x 1000


Client Net Cost

Client Net

The amount that the client is charged for the media purchases, after any discounts are applied but before any commission or taxes are added.

  • Entered in schedule
  • Calculated

Client Net = Client Gross - Client Discount


Client Net Rate

The cost per unit that the client is charged.

  • Entered in schedule
  • Calculated
  • Defined in Administration > Reference Data > Fees & Tech Rates > (Specific Fee Record) > Client Rate Details



Client Passback Percentage

Client Passback Rule

Client Passback %

The percentage of the Vendor Discount that is passed on to the client as a discount.

Defined in

Administration > Entity Management > Client > (Specific Client) > Passbacks

Client Tax

The tax on activity that the client is charged, not including any commission.


Depending on Client Tax Rule settings:

  • Client Tax = Client Tax Rule x Vendor Gross
  • Client Tax = Client Tax Rule x Vendor Net
  • Client Tax = Client Tax Rule x Client Gross
  • Client Tax = Client Tax Rule x Client Net

Client Tax on Commission

The tax on commission that the client is charged.

CalculatedClient Tax on Commission = Client Tax Rule x Client Commission

Client Total Cost

Client Total

The amount that the client is charged, after any discounts are applied and commission is added, but before any taxes are added.

  • Entered in schedule
  • Calculated
Client Total = Client Net + Client Commission

Client Total Cost with Tax

Client Total with Tax

The amount that the client is charged, after any discounts are applied and after any commission or taxes are added.

CalculatedClient Total Cost with Tax = Client Total + Client Tax on Cost + Client Tax on Commission

Client Total Rate

The cost per unit that the client is charged, after any discounts are applied and commission is added, but before any taxes are added.


If Rate Type is not CPM-based:
Client Total Rate = Client Total Cost / Units

If Rate Type is CPM-based:
Client Total Rate = (Client Total Cost / Units) x 1000


Vendor Discount Percentage

Vendor Discount Rule

Vendor Discount %

The percentage of Vendor Net Cost or Vendor Gross Cost that the Vendor gives as a discount.

  • Vendor Net Cost: The amount that the vendor charges for the media purchase(s), after any discounts are applied but before any taxes are added.
  • Vendor Gross Cost: The amount that the vendor quotes, before any standard discounts are applied and any taxes are added.
Defined in Administration > Entity Management > Contracts > (Specific Contract)N/A

Vendor Discount

Vendor Discount Cost

The amount of the discount that the vendor gives.


Depending on the Vendor contract:

  • Vendor Discount = Vendor Net x  (1 / (1 - Vendor Discount Percentage) - 1)
  • Vendor Discount = Vendor Gross x Vendor Discount Percentage

Vendor Gross Cost

Vendor Gross

The amount that the vendor quotes, before any standard discounts are applied and any taxes are added.

  • Entered in schedule
  • Calculated
Vendor Gross = Vendor Net  + Vendor Discount 

Vendor Gross Rate

The cost per unit that the vendor charges, before any standard discounts are applied and any taxes are added.

  • Entered in schedule
  • Calculated
  • Defined in Administration > Reference Data > Fees & Tech Rates > (Specific Fee Record) > Vendor Rate Details



Vendor Net Cost

Vendor Net

The amount that the vendor charges for the media purchase(s), after any discounts are applied but before any taxes are added.

  • Entered in schedule
  • Calculated
Vendor Net = Vendor Gross - Vendor Discount

Vendor Net Rate

The cost per unit that the vendor charges, after any discounts are applied but before any taxes are added.

  • Entered in schedule
  • Calculated
  • Defined in Administration > Reference Data > Fees & Tech Rates > (Specific Fee Record) > Vendor Rate Details



Vendor Tax Cost

Vendor Tax

The tax on activity that the vendor charges.


Depending on Vendor Tax Rule settings:

  • Vendor Tax = Vendor Net x Vendor Tax Percentage
  • Vendor Tax = Vendor Gross x Vendor Tax Percentage

Vendor Total Cost

Vendor Total

The amount that the vendor charges, after any discounts are applied but before any taxes are added.


Allocated Amount

Allocated Amount is part of the Allocated cost method.

The client budget allocated to a media line within the schedule.

Entered in schedule



Allocated Fee Cost

Allocated Fee

Allocated Fee Cost is part of the Allocated cost method.

Client Net Cost of any fees applied to the line, where the fee is a percentage of the Allocated Amount.




Margin Percentage

Margin Rule

Margin %

Margin Percentage is part of the Margin cost method.

The difference between the cost of a media purchase (Vendor Net Cost) and the price at which it is sold (Client Net Cost), as a percentage of the price at which it is sold (Client Net Cost).

Margin Percentage = (Client Net Cost - Vendor Net Cost) / Client Net Cost

  • Entered in schedule
  • Calculated

Other Income Cost

Other Income

The general term for any type of additional income that an agency makes, aside from commission.

Sources of Other Income include:

  • A margin between client costs and vendor costs
  • A markup on vendor costs
  • A partial client passback on a vendor discount

Depends on the source of the additional income.

  • No labels
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