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To create a campaign, start by navigating to Trafficking > Campaigns. From here, the Campaigns list view appears Additionally, campaigns may be created by clicking the Image Addedbutton, then clicking Campaign at the top right of the UI.

  1. When creating a campaign, a window appears Select New Campaign on the upper right hand corner to display a pop-up window that allows choosing both an Advertiser to assign the campaign to, and the desired Campaign Name


    Once the advertiser has been selected and the campaign has been given a name, there are alternate options to either Create & Close to finish later, or Create & Start Another to begin creating a new one. 

  2. The next view will display General, Modifiers, and Summary tabs to complete in order to finish the campaign setup. Please view the following fields below:


The settings that fall under this section are related to the key components of a campaign including start/end date, Currency type, Continents, and Budget. 


Field NameDescription
Start/End Date*

To schedule your Campaigna campaign, set a Start Date and an optional End Date. If an End Date is not set, the Campaign campaign will continue running until it runs out of Budget or is made inactive.

Default Line Item PresetSelect a pre-created line item preset via drop down.
Default Targeting PresetSelect a pre-created targeting preset via drop down.
Currency*Select the desired Currency currency this campaign will operate at. 
Continents*The continents in which this campaign will be running. 
Budget Type*

Budget types can be either “Spend” (dollar amount) or “Impressions” (number of impressions). Campaign budgets and line item budgets can cannot be of different types.


Overall budget of the campaign.

Daily Budget

Daily budget cap of the Campaigncampaign. Spend will not exceed this amount.

Alternative IDAny number or string. Used to map this object to an object in the system.
NotesAdditional field for desired notes specific to campaign.



Up to three frequency caps are allowed at the campaign level. Additional frequency caps can also be set at the line item level. See Frequency Caps for more information.

When trafficking a campaign, there is an option to set a frequency cap to restrict the number of times a particular ad will be shown to a particular user. Select an ID type and enter afrequency cap amount. The ID Type will display a drop-down with the following options: Standard, IP Address, Person ID, and Household ID. Read more on how to set up frequency caps here.

Field NameDescription
ID Type

Choose the type of ID that the frequency cap will be applied to. Options include:

  • Standard (cookie or device type)
  • IP Address
  • Customer ID
  • Person ID
  • Household ID

Using fallback will allow the system to use the next available ID type if the one selected is not available.

Vendor Fees

Vendor Fees in the Beeswax platform are a way to optionally include serving costs associated with third-party vendors into Beeswax media spend and reporting. Read more on how to set up vendor fees here. 


Custom Event Association


To associate an Event event, it must be set to allow only selected Campaigns for attributioncampaigns for attribution

Associating an event will preclude other campaigns from receiving attribution through that event, unless their association is also manually added. Events with no specific association set will be eligible for all campaigns

Events are used to track conversions, installs, or other key activities. If the advertiser selected in the campaign creation process has an associated event, the dropdown will allow that event to be selected. Read more on how to set up events here. 

Field NameDescription
EventDrop-down selection list of events created for the account. Multiple associations may be applied.
Add Another AssociationClick to associate another event to this campaign.


A revenue type and amount may be set on a campaign and be used to report on the revenue earned from running a given campaign. Then, the profit margin can be calculated by subtracting the total spend from the revenue. Read more about revenue here.



If using an extension for the campaign to gather additional data with providers such as LiveRamp or TapadFreeWheel ID Network, select the vendor via dropdown as well as the specific segment extension.  See Using Identity Network and LiveRamp for more information.


Field NameDescription
Enable Segment ExtensionToggle "Yes" to enable this feature.
Extension Vendor*Select the appropriate vendor from the dropdown.
Segment Extension*

Specify the extension level:

  • Person
  • Household
  • Person Extend Only
  • Household Extend Only
Segment Type*
  • 1st Party Segments Only
  • 3rd Party Segments Only
  • All Segments


Experiments allow targeting different line items to sets of non-overlapping users for comparison of results to test performance. Also known as “A/B Testing” or “Randomized Control Studies”, the experiments feature creates isolated subsets of users and ensures these users are only exposed to one their assigned line item setupitems.

Field NameDescription
Test PlanSelect a type of plan via dropdown. Typically a split or percentage hold out.
ID TypeDevice ID type for experiment.


Beeswax allows the creation of lists for criteria on bid modifiers and delivery modifiers according to various targeting modules and keys. Bid modifier terms use targeting keys to adjust the bid price while delivery modifiers allocate delivery weight to specific inventory in real time based on the set rules. See Modifiers for more information.

Adding Modifier Terms

Include A Shared Block

Bid Modifier tab



The Summary tab displays the essential settings, modifiers, and status of the campaign. In order to change a setting, creative, or enable the campaign, click that element and be directed back to its page. From this screen, it is also possible to set this created campaign as a "Campaign Preset". When creating a new campaign, this preset may be found at the top right of the General screen by clicking "Select Campaign Preset". 



Campaign Creation Features


Once the campaign settings have been completed, there is an option to duplicate the selected campaign information for future campaigns. To duplicate, select the ellipses on the top right corner of the campaigns screen > then select Duplicate. Additionally, duplication can be done from the Campaign list view and clicking the ellipses to the right of the campaign name.

From this view, type the desired name for this duplication and choose the settings from this campaign to duplicate, along with a number of copies to make. Once confirming the selections have been confirmed, users may "Duplicate and Continue" to get back to the campaign creation process. Alternatively, clicking "Duplicate and Close" will create the duplication and close out of the campaign creation screen. 


If selecting more than one copy to duplicate, only the "Duplicate & Close" option will be selectable. 

Quick stats


Campaign Quick Stats will only appear once a campaign has been created.

To the right of the campaign creation screenSummary and General tabs when creating a campaign, quick stats are available to view that display relevant details of the campaign. These details include:

On Schedule


Index (OSI)


The On Schedule Index (OSI) is a metric used to measure the delivery performance of a campaign relative to its scheduled impressions over a given period. 
Total Budget / Daily BudgetThe total budget for the campaign displayed next to the daily budget for the campaign.
Total Spend / Remaining BudgetThe total spend for the campaign displayed next to the remaining budget for the campaign.
Total ImpressionsThe current total number of impressions received for this campaign.
Associated Line ItemsDropdown option to display the associated line items with this campaign. Each line item will be displayed with the line item name and associated ID.

Additionally, clicking Performance Report will Additionally, clicking "Performance Report" will generate a report that is curated specifically to the campaign.

Activity Log


Activity Log will only appear once a campaign has been created.

Once the campaign is created, an activity log is available to view by clicking the Campaign Name > then Activity Log tab. If on the campaign list view screen, the activity log is viewable by clicking the ellipses to the right of the campaign name, then selecting Activity Log.

This log is a view of different changes an activity that has been done to this selected campaign. See the table below for the viewable fields:
