Use * syntax for faster search

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Advanced segments allow you to create custom audiences from multiple basic segments (typically user segments, either 1st party or 3rd party data) using Boolean logic.

This targeting allows you to set up rules to join and target multiple segments into one targeting segment through AND, OR, or NOT statements.

Steps for segment targeting:

To create a new advanced segment in the UI:

  1. Assuming you already have basic segments uploaded in the UI (see Segment Uploads for more details on this), go to Line Item > Targeting > User > Toggle Segment to Advanced Targeting

  2. Set up AND OR rules for targeting segments. You can manually enter a boolean phrase in the segment field or find and include segments using the search feature. Examples of advanced targeting below*:
    • To target only users who appear in multiple segments, for example in segments 20 and 6:
      • beeswax-20 AND beeswax-6
    • To target users who appear in one segment or another, for example in segments 20 or 6
      • beeswax-20 OR beeswax-6
    • To target users who appear in one segment and appear in either of another two or more segments, for example users who are in segment 20 and either segment 4 or 6:
      • beeswax-20 AND (beeswax-4 OR beeswax-6)
    • To target users who appear in one segment and do NOT appear in another segment, for example users who are in segment 20 but not segment 5:
      • beeswax-20 AND NOT beeswax-5

The word "beeswax" should be replaced by your buzz key