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October 2022 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we are releasing new features and enhancements such as: 

  • New additions to the List View v2 (Open Beta)
  • Event Quick Stats
  • Deal Quick Stats

You can view this and earlier Release Notes in our Knowledge Base. For a deeper dive on the features, please review the linked documentation.

Additions to List View v2

In addition to the four core List View features that were released last month, you can now utilize the new List View features that are recently added in the UI (User Interface). 

Core tabs ( Part I)

Trafficking tab (Part II)

Admin tab(Part II)


Creative Add-Ons




Account Groups

Line Items










Native Offers


Segment Uploads

Please reach out to your Account Representative if you are interested in upgrading to the new List View version.

Event Quick Stats

Following the Events Report feature released this August, you can now view key Event metrics on the Events page in the UI. This allows you to see the data quickly without generating a report to view key datapoints on your custom Events.

Each Event ID will have the following data available directly on the Event page:        

  • Last Fired Timestamp (30-day lookback) 
  • Events Fired Today 
  • Events Fired Yesterday 
  • Events Fired Last 7 days average

Deal Quick Stats

Following the Deal Report feature released earlier this year; you can now view key Deal metrics on the Deals page in the UI without generating a report.

Each Deal ID will have the following data available:    

  • Auctions 
  • Bid 
  • Bid Rate 
  • Impressions 
  • Win Rate 
  • Spend 
  • Spend USD

All these metrics are available for the following time ranges: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, and Lifetime.

Feel free to reach out to your Account Representative for any feedback or questions.

September 2022 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we’re releasing new updates such as:

  • ComScore Pre-bid for CTV Contextual Targeting 
  • Antenna Support for DSP
  • New List View and breadcrumbs for the four core trafficking objects (Advertiser, Campaign, Line Item, and Creative).

For a deeper dive on these releases, please review the linked documentation.

Comscore Pre-bid for CTV Contextual Targeting

Beeswax has integrated with Comscore for their pre-bid contextual targeting solution. Comscore is the first pre-bid contextual vendor that provides contextual segments for CTV inventory. This allows our customers the opportunity to buy CTV inventory using contextual signals. Comscore pre-bid is available globally and is a privacy friendly way of targeting CTV.

Comscore pre-bid contextual targeting will be available for use on display, video, and native inventory on the web or in-app environments. For more details on the wide range of contextual categories and pricing, please visit our documentation here.

Please reach out to your Account representative if you're interested in utilizing Comscore pre-bid segments.

Antenna Support for DSP

Beeswax is extending support for Antenna to DSP customers. Antenna gives customers access to a private data warehouse to query and utilize raw log data without requiring complex and costly ETL processes. Antenna SQL access can be hosted by Beeswax or integrated into your own Snowflake account. Further details can be found in our documentation here

The following log types will be supported for DSP customers:  

  • Win
  • Bid 
  • Conversion 
  • Attributed Conversion 
  • IP Attributed Conversions 

Please reach out to your Account representative if you're interested in getting access. 

List View V2 (Open Beta)

After incorporating your first round of feedback, we have further improved List Views navigation experience on the Advertisers, Campaigns, Line Items, and Creatives pages. Some improved features from the last release include: 

  • More condensed layout allows you to view more datapoints within a page.
  • Advanced breadcrumb trail with each node leading to a unique destination allowing for more navigation options.
  • Using pills for drilling into the next level allows for more streamlined functionality across the UI.
  • Two types ofCreate buttons allow you to accomplish what you need within the shortest amount of time and actions. 

List View v2 is being released to Open Beta, and includes updated views for Advertisers, Campaigns, Line Items, and Creatives. Please reach out to your Account representative if you're interested in trying out this new feature.

Please be in touch with any questions or feedback you may have.

August 2022 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we’re releasing a few new updates, including Bid Decision Flow 2.0, Events reporting for Conversion Tags, and improvements to the Vendor, Creative Add-On, and Segment Upload UI forms. 

Bid Decision Flow 2.0 

This month we will be launching “sub-reasons” within the Bid Decision Flow tool, to enable customers to easily identify the root cause of drops in bidding. This new visualization will break out the bids dropped at selected stages by sub-reason, in both a donut chart and a percentage breakdown. 

The new sub-reasons will be available for the broader drop stages, which are Targeting Match and Post-Processing. See here for more details. 

Event Tag Reporting 

A new Events Report is launching which will help customers quickly monitor Event tags that have been placed to track conversions. This report displays the count of Event tag fires, based on the following new dimensions & metrics: 

  • Event ID (dimension) 
  • Event Name (dimension) 
  • Event Type (dimension) 
  • Event Pixel Fire Count (metric) 
  • Event Order (metric) 
  • Event Value (metric) 

This report is accessible in Report Builder via the UI or API. 

New Look for Vendor, Creative Add-ons, and Segment Upload 

We have updated the Vendor, Creative Add-on, and Segment Upload forms with new looks to improve usability. These updates contain more intuitive components and communicate clearly the available actions.

July 2022 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we have a few new updates, including a supply integration with Tubi, support for minimum bids in Bid Modifiers, and direct data onboarding from Alliant. 

Tubi Supply Integration 

Customers can now access Tubi inventory through Beeswax. Tubi inventory will only be available in the US. All Tubi traffic currently runs through deals so please reach out to your CSM for more information. 

Minimum Bids with Bid Modifiers 

Users can now specify minimum bids when using Bid Modifiers. The minimum bid acts like a floor price for that modifier so that bids won’t be reduced below a certain threshold. This feature is available to all Bid Modifier users by default. 

Direct Data Onboarding from Alliant 

Users can now access Alliant segments directly in Beeswax instead of navigating through marketplaces like Liveramp, Bluekai or Truoptik. Segments that are part of active campaigns will be automatically moved to appear under the new data provider - Alliant.

June 2022 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we’re launching a number of releases, including open betas for new List View navigation pages and Curated FreeWheel Deals. Other new features include support for User Time of the Week in Delivery Modifiers, LiveRamp and Tapad IDs in Reach and Frequency Reporting, and video content fields in logs. 

User Experience Improvements 

Open Beta – List View v2

List Views, the navigation pages for objects like Advertisers and Campaigns, are getting a total redesign. This major rehaul of the UI comes with many enhancements to empower our users and improve the day to day experience. 

Some improved features include: 

  • View objects belonging to multiple parents. One use case for this is "I want to see all line items under all campaigns belonging to one advertiser." 
  • Favorite objects. Users can now select objects as favorited, and use a toggle to view only favorited objects. 

List View v2 is being released to Open Beta, and includes updated views for Advertisers, Campaigns, Line Items, and Creatives. After incorporating feedback and completing development for updated views for other objects, we will release all views as part of our General Availability launch. Please reach out to your CSM if you are interested in participating in this Open Beta. 

Open Beta – Curated FreeWheel Deals

Beeswax customers can now use Curated Deals to buy FreeWheel deals directly in the UI. These always-on deals represent packages of premium video inventory sourced from FreeWheel’s publishers. Deals from additional exchanges will be offered directly through Beeswax later this year. 

To date FreeWheel’s premium deals have communicated to buyers via a newsletter, but now these deals will appear in the Deal List View and in Line Item Targeting. 

We are offering Curated FreeWheel Deals directly in the UI as an Open Beta. Please reach out to your CSM if you are interested in participating in this Open Beta and see the documentation here


User Time of Week in Delivery Modifiers

The “User Time of Week” targeting key can now be used to allocate spend with Delivery Modifiers. This lets users express delivery conditions down to hour level granularity. For example, you can say things like “Spend 40% of my budget on Apple devices in New York between the hours of 6 and 9 pm, Monday through Thursday.” See the Delivery Modifier Help Docs for more details and best practices.

This feature will be made available to all Delivery Modifier v2 users by default. 

Reporting and Logs 

Reach and Frequency Reporting with LiveRamp and Tapad IDs

In this release new Reach and Frequency Metrics will be added into Report Builder, including the following ID types: 

LiveRamp RampIDs (Person and Household) 

Tapad IDs (Person and Household) 

Custom IDs 

We are also releasing new metrics that take into account user ID fallback options. These metrics align with the frequency cap options that customers can select on the Line Item targeting. A few examples include: 

  • Custom ID with Fallback 
  • Liveramp Person ID with Fallback 
  • Tapad Household ID with Fallback 

These new metrics will be available to any customers using Liveramp, Tapad, or Custom Ids.  

Video Content Fields in Logs

We want to provide more insight to our customers buying video inventory on the actual video content that the impression will appear on. This is especially important in CTV/OTT environments where customers need more granular visibility into where ads are being placed. 

Please reach out to your CSMs or refer to the updated log schemas here to see what we are logging in the content object. 

These new fields for the content object will be available in auction, bid, and win logs. 

May 2022 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we are launching the Neustar Identity DMP (IDMP) integration. Neustar is a complete end-to-end identity data management platform, and this integration will support all mutual customers of PlatformOne.

Currently, the Neustar IDMP integration supports:

  • Customers in US only
  • TCF2.0 compliant
  • Both BaaS and DSP customers
  • Automated taxonomy updates
  • Supports ID types such as cookies, MAIDs, CTV IFAs, and IP Addresses.

To enable this integration, please reach out to your Account team member.

Stay tuned for more exciting features coming up in the following months.

April 2022 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we launched several releases such as Attribution on IP Address, new supply integrations with Amazon and Yahoo, DoubleVerify’s new Fully On-Screen segments, and an enhancement for Delivery Modifiers.

Highlighted Release

Attribution on IP Address

Beeswax reporting now supports IP attribution. This reinforces key measurement use cases across CTV, household, and cross-device attribution. As part of this release, new columns have been added to reporting which include:

  • IP Conversions
  • IP Conversion Value
  • IP Conversion Orders 

IP attribution works in parallel with legacy attribution methods, as such, if a given event is eligible for both IP and legacy attribution, it can be tracked against both. New attributed conversion logs using the IP attribution methodology are also now available as well. Please reach out to your account team with any questions.

Campaign Management

New Supply Integrations

  • Amazon: Display and video inventory on desktop and mobile devices in the U.S., EU, and APAC
  • Yahoo: Display inventory in NAM and APAC

To learn more about and enable this inventory, please reach out to your account team as additional paperwork is required for these supply sources.

DoubleVerify Fully On-Screen Segments

DoubleVerify Fully On-Screen (FOS) Segments which launched earlier this year may now be enabled through Beeswax. These pre-bid segments address CTV viewability challenges by targeting a list of FOS Certified CTV apps that are confirmed to not run ads even after a CTV has been turned off. Two segments will be made available through this integration at $0.20 CPMs: one for CTV-only targeting and another segment that may be used for blended mobile and CTV app targeting.

These segments will be automatically enabled for all customers leveraging DoubleVerify today. If you would like to enable these segments, but do not currently use DoubleVerify segments, please reach out to your account team.


Enhanced Delivery Modifier Pacing

Delivery Modifiers have been enhanced to improve pacing behavior against delivery modifier terms and mitigate under-delivery. There is no action required to enable this release and it will be turned on by default by EOD.

Please be in touch with any questions or feedback you may have.

February 2022 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we’re launching a new report to make it easier to monitor deal health, enhancing our LiveRamp integration via IP address support, and rolling out updated DoubleVerify pricing.

Highlighted Release

Deal Report

The Deal Report simplifies troubleshooting and deal diagnostics to determine whether deals managed via the Deals Page are receiving bids and actively transacting.

By default, this new report aggregates metrics at the Deal level, but can also be split out by Account, Campaign, and Line Item. It provides end-to-end visibility of all metrics for a given Deal such as Auctions, Bids, Impressions, etc.

This report provides full-funnel transparency into Deal health and makes it easy to understand if a Deal is receiving Auctions and consequently bidding on and winning Impressions.

Campaign Management

IP Support for LiveRamp

As with the previous TapAd release, Beeswax can now match IPs received on bid requests to LiveRamp’s graph, increasing match rates on CTV inventory.

There are no UI changes; this release was automatically enabled for all customers.

Updated DoubleVerify Pricing

DoubleVerify is updating pricing for certain pre-bid and measurement services across all DSPs.Starting 2/15, the pricing for the following services will increase:

  • Standard Brand Suitability (Video): From $0.05 to $0.10
  • Fraud/IVT (Video):From $0.05 to $0.10
  • Viewability/Integrated Metrics (Display): $0.09 to $0.12
  • Viewability/Integrated Metrics (Video): $0.15 to $0.20

If you are currently using one of the services above, no action is necessary; this change will take place automatically.

Please be in touch with any feedback you may have.

January 2022 - Beeswax Release Notes

In January we enhanced our TapAd integration by adding support for IP addresses. 

Campaign Management

TapAd IP Support
This change significantly increases the amount of identity-enabled video and CTV inventory available through Beeswax and enhances several use cases for CTV targeting and frequency capping.

Going forward, customers who leverage TapAd for segment extension and frequency capping will see increased match rates against CTV devices when targeting against first- and third-party segments. This will lead to enhanced cross-channel retargeting and frequency capping. Further, this release also enables customers to leverage all targeting segments on CTV devices, not just CTV-specific segments.

There are no UI changes, please reach out to your account team with any questions.

December 2021 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we’re adding several quality of life improvements to the platform. These include Targeting Presets, Segment Filtering and Favorites, and Parquet support for Win and Attributed Conversion log files.

Highlighted Release

Targeting Presets

We are adding a new feature that will allow adopters of Targeting v2 to create Presets that apply templates of targeting parameters to a given Line Item or Campaign. Presets may be created from scratch via the Admin drop-down or based on existing targeting criteria from a Line Item or Campaign.

Once created, Presets may be applied at Campaign or Advertiser levels to be the default targeting template of new Line Items, or attached to individual Line Items as needed. When a Preset is attached to a Line Item with existing targeting parameters, the Preset may be merged with or replace those parameters. Any conflicts will be highlighted when merging a Preset with existing parameters, and users will have the opportunity to resolve them.

Campaign Management

Segment Filtering and Favorites

For adopters of Targeting v2, we have improved our Segment targeting workflow with the additions of Segment Filtering and Favoriting. Both of these features are fully compatible with Segment Search and Targeting Preset functionality.

Segment Filtering helps users identify the optimal segments for their needs according to several criteria such as:

  • User Count NAM
  • User Count EMEA
  • User Count APAC
  • Data Provider
  • CPM

This makes it significantly easier to find scalable or cost effective segments, e.g., “has more than 1M users in EMEA,” or “CPM is less than $1.50.”

Segment Favorites make it easy to save and find a user’s most used first- or third-party segments and operate similar to Targeting Favorites. Users will be able to “star” individual segments for ease of access as desired. 

Reporting & Measurement

Parquet Support  for Win and Attributed Conversion Logs

We have added support for Parquet, a column-oriented file format used frequently in Hadoop, to Win and Attributed Conversion logs for customers who receive batch files via S3. If you leverage these log files and wish to receive files in Parquet, please reach out to your account team.

Please be in touch with any feedback you may have.

October 2021 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we’re adding several major features to the platform. Later today, expect the release of reach and frequency metrics within Report Builder, a new pacing report, streamlined Account and User configuration workflows, and first-party Customer ID support in Real-Time User Filtering.

A copy of these release notes can be found on our Knowledge Base. For a deeper dive on these releases, please review the linked documentation.

Highlighted Release

Reach and Frequency in Report Builder 

Reach and frequency metrics are being added to Report Builder to provide deeper insight into campaign delivery and crucial data for fine tuning optimization to minimize ad fatigue and maximize performance. 

Users will be able to understand the number of user IDs (i.e. Beeswax cookies and MAIDs) or IP addresses reached by a given set of dimensions (e.g., Campaign Name, Device Type, etc.) as well as the average number of impressions shown to those user IDs or IP addresses.

These metrics are available for all standard reports within Report Builder with the exceptions of the Segment, Conversion, Vendor, and Bid Performance reports.

Reporting & Measurement

Pacing Report

A new Pacing report is launching to make it easy to understand how a given Campaign, Line Item, or Line Item Flight is pacing against its budget. This report displays the current state of pacing based on the following new metrics:

  • On-Schedule Indicator (Today/Yesterday)—provides insight into whether a line is over, on, or behind pace
  • If a Line Item is using Lifetime Pacing, this metric will also be displayed in the Quickstats UI on the Line Item level
  • Budget Delivered (Today/Yesterday)—the budget delivered as of today/yesterday

This report is accessible in Report Builder via the UI or API.

Campaign Management

Enhanced Admin Workflows 

Upgrades to the Account Configuration, User Creation, and Masquerading workflows have been completed, these include:

  • Account Configuration:
    • Updated UI and API
    • Accounts may now be added to Account Groups via the Overview tab
    • A Settings tab was added to the Account Configuration workflow
      • This tab replicates the Settings page accessible via the Admin menu
      • Support for Continent configuration has also been added to Settings
    • The Exchanges tab now supports search functionality and displays inventory types offered by each exchange
  • User Creation:
    • Updated UI
    • A new Access Level, “Current Account and Selected Account Groups,” has been added to associate Users with multiple Account Groups at time of User creation
  • Masquerading:
    • One click Masquerading is now possible. Adopters of Accounts v2 with multi-account access may now click the Account name in the top-right of the UI to open a new dropdown and easily switch between accessible accounts.

Real-Time User Filtering on First-Party Customer IDs

BaaS™ customers leveraging Real-Time User Filtering will be able to filter based on first-party Customer IDs and only receive traffic forusers associated with their first-party customer segments. Please note, at this time, Segment Filtering on Customer IDs is not supported.

Please be in touch with any feedback you may have.

September 2021 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we’ve enhanced several features to make life easier and expand functionality. Look forward to leveraging IP and RampID in Experiments and video creative property autodetection.

Highlighted Release

IP and RampID Support for Experiments

ID support for Experiments has been expanded to include RampID and enable use of IPs on all devices. This will enable cross-device Experiments and increase flexibility when setting up Experiment Groups. 

The expansion of IP in experiments to all devices means experiments including CTV can now be run more reliably without worrying about the instability of device IDs in CTV environments. Further, the inclusion of RampID opens up person- and household-level use cases for cross-device Experiments, e.g., ensuring split testing across all devices for a person or household.

As part of this release, we are also adding a new field, “experiment_id_type” to reporting and logs. It will be available in the conversion and performance reports, as well as bid, win, attributed conversion, and streaming logs.

These new ID types are immediately available and may be used by enabling Experiments on the Campaign level, navigating to the Experiments tab, and choosing your ID type from the drop down.

Campaign Management

Video Creative Property Autodetection

Going forward, the following properties may be autodetected during individual set up or bulk upload of VAST tag creatives:

  • Video Duration 
  • Video MIME Types 
  • Video API
  • Video bitrates

This will eliminate manual work for the following creative types:

  • VAST, Wrapper
  • VAST, Wrapper with MOAT Viewability
  • Native Video App Install (VAST/VPAID Wrapper)
  • Native Video Content (VAST/VPAID Wrapper)

To use this feature during individual creative setup, look for the new “Detect Attributes” button under the VAST tag input. Once clicked, detected attributes will be shown at the bottom of the page and must be saved to automatically populate their respective fields.

The bulk upload workflow is unchanged, however, the attributes above will automatically be detected and populated as part of the upload process.

Please be in touch with any feedback you may have.

August 2021 - Beeswax Release Notes

Beeswax August Release: Availability Forecasting and V2 of Bid Modifiers and Delivery Modifiers

This month we’re bringing several major releases to general availability. You can immediately leverage Availability Forecasting, and you can look forward to the new UI and enhanced functionality for Bid Modifiers and Delivery Modifiers. We’ve completed a new integration enabling SKAdNetwork attribution with Singular. And finally, we've  added support for Account Groups that let you organize multiple accounts and control access.

Highlighted Release

Availability Forecasting is now Generally Available

After months of development and testing, we’re excited to announce that Availability Forecasting has entered GA and is available for all customers on Targeting v2. With just a few clicks, you can forecast daily, weekly, and lifetime available auctions for a given Line Item. To access Availability Forecasting, navigate to the “Analytics” tab within the Line Item view.


Bid Modifiers and Delivery Modifiers v2 Migration

We recently completed major upgrades to Bid Modifiers and Delivery Modifiers and a migration to the new UI was completed on Monday, August 9 for customers using Targeting v2. Bid Modifiers and Delivery Modifiers now live in their own tab, “Optimization,” within the Line Item view.

Updated Help Center documentation for Bid Modifiers and Delivery Modifiers is now available. In the meantime, please reach out to your account team with any questions.

Campaign Management

Account Groups

Many Beeswax customers use multiple accounts to support downstream clients or to separate lines of business within their organizations. Previously, account administrators could only provision access to all accounts within a platform instance or just one.

With Account Groups, platform administrators now have the option to set up user permissions to access a subset of accounts, enabling a much higher degree of flexibility. A new permission called “Account Group” has been added to enable configuration of user account access, and the permission previously known as “Multi-account” has been renamed to “All-account Access” to reflect its functionality more accurately.

Please reach out to your account team to enable this feature or with any questions.

Reporting and Measurement

Singular SKAdNetwork Attribution Support

Similar to May’s AppsFlyer release, this release allows us to pass conversion information received from Apple to Singular, allowing Singular to act as a source of truth or enrich the data on behalf of joint customers. Please reach out to your account team to enable Singular SKAdNetwork support.

Please be in touch with any feedback you may have.

July 2021 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we’re excited to announce the near completion of several projects and invite you to their open betas. Both Bid Modifiers and Delivery Modifiers have seen major enhancements in functionality, and Availability Forecasting will soon be generally available.

Highlighted Release

Delivery Modifiers v2

Delivery Modifiers, a tool that allows users to dynamically allocate spend based on user-specified parameters, have been made substantially more powerful. Previously Delivery Modifiers only enabled dynamic spend allocation based on a single parameter—with Delivery Modifiers v2 enabled, users may now specify up to three different parameters for finer tuned control over how budgets are spent.

Other improvements as part of this upcoming release include: 

  • Renaming the “Dynamic” Function to “Expand”: The “Dynamic” function was renamed to increase clarity and reduce confusion. No new functionality has been added as part of this renaming. As a refresher, the “Dynamic”—now “Expand—function could be applied to Lists to enable individual weighting of specific items within the List. For example, the “mydomain” list below could have three sites within it and each could be weighted separately such that while “mydomain” would receive ~50% of the line item’s spend, of that ~50%, one site within the list would receive 60% and the other two would receive 20% of the spend allocated to the Delivery Modifier. 
  • Renaming “Default Delivery” to “Fallback”: The “Default Delivery” function was also renamed. “Default Delivery”—now “Fallbacks”—in Delivery Modifiers increase the odds of delivery by enabling supply that fits Delivery Modifier targeting criteria, but does not match other terms, to be bid on and delivered against. 
  • Adding Budget Caps: Budget caps specify an absolute limit for how much spend may be allocated to a single Delivery Modifier Term.

With the launch of v2 both Delivery Modifiers and Bid Modifiers will be moved from the “Overview” tab to a new “Optimization” tab in the Line Item view.

Please note Delivery Modifiers and Bid Modifiers v2 are only available to customers who have migrated to Targeting v2. Updated documentation will be made available upon general availability. To participate in the open beta for these features, please reach out to your account team.


Bid Modifiers v2

Bid Modifiers, a tool that allows users to dynamically change bid prices via a multiplier based on user-specified parameters, have also been improved. Segment Recency filters may now be applied on first-party segments for use in Bid Modifiers, allowing you to bid higher, for example, on recent site visitors.

Bid Modifiers v2 will also live in the new Optimization tab and is only available for adopters of Targeting v2. Updated documentation will be made available upon general availability. To participate in the open beta for these features, please reach out to your account team.

Coming Soon

Availability Forecasting

We are excited to announce that testing for Availability Forecasting is already underway, and is expected to be made generally available as soon as next month. Upon full release, users may forecast daily, weekly, and lifetime available auctions for a given Line Item.

Please be in touch with any feedback you may have.

June 2021 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we’re launching a new diagnostic tool called Bid Decision Flow to help with line item troubleshooting. We’ve also implemented SKAdNetwork Targeting, expanded VAST click tracking support, and more.

Highlighted Release

Bid Decision Flow

Bid Decision Flow is a new visualization that displays the bid evaluation process and why specific line items are or are not bidding within a given timeframe. Going forward, Buzz users will be able to analyze seven different bid evaluation stages to diagnose and inform how to correct line item delivery issues. The visualization has incremental lookback windows ranging from 30 minutes up to 72 hours.

The Bid Decision Flow visualization may be found in the new Analytics tab, next to the Vendor Fees tab when managing or setting up individual line items.

Campaign Management

SKAdNetwork Targeting

While we have supported SKAdNetwork Tracking since October 2020, this release ensures campaigns with SKAdNetwork Tracking enabled only target SKAdNetwork enabled supply. While closely related, SKAdNetwork Tracking and SKAdNetwork Tracking are independent toggles within Buzz. As such, it is possible, but not recommended, to target non-SKAdNetwork enabled supply within a SKAdNetwork-enabled campaign. While targeting non-SKAdNetwork supply may improve scale, it is likely that not all conversions will be tracked.

If you are already using SKAdNetwork tracking, you will have immediate access to the SKAdNetwork Targeting toggle, however, please be aware that it was not toggled on by default to avoid changes to existing bidding behavior. As such, it must be manually switched on.

If you do not already have SKAdNetwork Tracking enabled in your campaigns and would like to take advantage of this latest release, please reach out to your account team to enable SKAdNetwork support—SKAdNetwork Targeting will be toggled on by default. 

Personal Data Access Traffic Filter

BaaS customers may now implement a traffic filter such that they only receive supply when they are permitted to use and log personal data under GDPR and/or CCPA. This filter is set on the bidder level and as a result, all traffic going to that bidder will be TCF-compliant supply where personal data may be used. Further, different criteria have been established for personal data access depending on the jurisdiction, i.e. users must provide consent for GDPR, users must be opted-in for CCPA.

Please note this filter will not apply to bid requests associated with programmatic guaranteed deals. Requests associated with a programmatic guaranteed deal will bypass the filter, as such, it is possible to see traffic without personal data access permissions even with the traffic filter enabled.

Multi-Element VAST Click Tracking Support

Beeswax has added support for third-party VAST click tracking directly within Buzz. Previously, Beeswax only directly supported third-party impression tracking. This release makes it easier to work with third-parties while also streamlining workflows. This applies to the following templates:

  •  3: VAST InLine
  •  6: VAST and VPAID Wrapper
  • 15: Native Video App Install
  • 17: Native Video Content
  • 18: Native Video App Install (VAST/VPAID Wrapper)
  • 19: Native Video Content (VAST/VPAID Wrapper)
  • 20: VAST Wrapper with MOAT Viewability 

For example, if you work with mobile measurement partners, e.g., Kochava, Appsflyer, etc., click data in addition to impression data will now be able to flow seamlessly to their platforms, providing a more complete view of all available data. Further, Beeswax macros can now auto-populate into third-party tags, eliminating the need to make manual ad server updates to ensure proper click tracking, e.g., for attribution.

Please be in touch with any feedback you may have.

May 2021 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we’re excited to announce the launch of new deal management tools, several quality of life updates, support for AppsFlyer SKAdNetwork attribution, and new fields added to logs.

Campaign Management

Deal ID Management and Deal CPM Override

Following on last month’s launch of Guaranteed Line Items, we’re making managing private deals even easier for customers who have migrated to Targeting v2. 

A new "Deals" page has been added to Trafficking. You can use Deals screen to manage all your deal IDs and useful associated data in a single centralized view. 

Deals may now be easily selected for targeting from a list during Line Item set up and no longer require text entry. In addition, a default CPM Override can be set for each Deal ID and automatically applied on the Line Item to override the basic CPM defined on the Line Item Overview. This makes it easier to create Line Items that target both deal IDs and open marketplace inventory.

Further, the “Deal ID List” is being renamed to “Deal List” and exchange handles (e.g "adx/") within the list item can now be selected via a dropdown, reducing complexity and making deal management even simpler. Please note that if you continue to use the previous, text entry workflow, exchange handles are still required.

This release will not affect existing campaigns and Line Items targeting deal IDs.

Quality of Life Updates

  • Segment search results in Targeting V2 are grouped by data provider
  • The “Revenue Amount” field in campaign and Line Item set up is no longer capped at 100, which may be useful for campaigns in certain currencies
  • A new alert for failed Bid Model uploads is now available

Reporting and Measurement

AppsFlyer SKAdNetwork Attribution Support 

To improve support for iOS 14.5 and the full roll out of Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) Framework, we are expanding SKAdNetwork attribution support to key mobile measurement partners (MMPs) beginning with AppsFlyer. This release will allow us to pass conversion information received from Apple, allowing AppsFlyer to act as a source of truth or enrich the data on behalf of joint customers.

Please reach out to your account team to enable AppsFlyer SKAdNetwork support or if there is an MMP you’d like to see an integration with in the future.

Log-Level Data Updates

Over the last few weeks, several fields have been added or updated:

  • Creative Alt ID and Creative Name have been added to Bid, Win and Loss Logs
  • Clicks and Clickthrough Rate have been added to Bid Performance Report
  • Vendor Fee Reporting is now available on the Creative Level
  • Two new columns have been added to make Lat/Long Lists available in logs: lat_long_list_item_ids and lat_long_list_item_names. 
    • lat_long_list_item_ids: These are structured as the concatenation of the List and List Item ID. If multiple list items match they are comma-separated.
    • lat_long_list_item_names: this column is populated in the same order as the above column to enable matching between the two. If no name is set, but multiple list items match, empty strings will be comma-separated to maintain accuracy when matching between the two new columns.

We expect these columns to provide significant value to anyone interested in building geofencing reports in their own systems

Deprecation of Query Tool: June 30th

Query Tool, our old reporting interface, and Reporting API v0.5 will be removed entirely on June 30th. Please be sure to rebuild all saved/scheduled reports in Report Builder, and, if applicable, migrate from Query Tool APIs to Report Builder APIs.

Please be in touch with any feedback you may have

April 2021 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we’re pleased to announce—among several other releases—support for FreeWheel Programmatic Guaranteed, an updated programmatic guaranteed workflow, and that Bulk Edits for Targeting has entered general availability.

Highlighted Release

FreeWheel Programmatic Guaranteed (Open Beta)

Beeswax support for FreeWheel programmatic guaranteed (PG) deals is now in open beta for customers using Targeting v2. Leverage our newly updated PG workflow detailed below and immediately begin planning and executing deals with some of the world’s most premium publishers.

Campaign Management

Guaranteed Line Items (Open Beta)

With the increasing importance of programmatic guaranteed deals, we are pleased to announce a new, simpler, and more intuitive workflow for executing these deals within Beeswax with the release of Guaranteed Line Items. Going forward, it will be possible to create designated Guaranteed Line Items within campaigns. 

Guaranteed Line Items differ from standard line items in several ways listed below:

  • Set up is streamlined to be specifically relevant to PG deals:
    • The only targeting that is available is Deal ID, now housed in the Overview section 
    • Daily Budget cannot be set, only Lifetime Budget can be
    • Bidding Strategy is set to “Flat CPM Bidding” and cannot be changed
    • The following sections and features have been removed:
    • Targeting section 
      • Flights 
      • Pacing options 
      • Bid Shading 
      • Frequency caps
      • Cross device extension (i.e. through Liveramp, Tapad) 
      • Bid Modifiers 
      • Delivery Modifiers
      • Experiments 
  • Guaranteed Line Items automatically ignore restrictions meant to apply to non-PG lines such as:
    • Lifetime campaign budgets (Please note that it is possible that Guaranteed Line Items can overspend a campaign’s allocated budget, please make sure to account for this during setup)
    • Daily campaign budgets
    • Campaign frequency caps
    • Campaign start and end dates
    • Campaign Bid Modifiers

Finally, a new field named "Guaranteed" will be added to bid and win logs to denote whether the line item was set up as a PG line item.

Targeting Bulk Edits Now in General Availability

After months of testing, we’re proud to announce that Bulk Edits for Targeting is now generally available. Use this feature to save time during campaign setup and updates.

New Supply Integrations

Proper Media’s mobile and desktop web display and video inventory are now available.

New and Updated DoubleVerify Pre-Bid Segments Coming May 3 

On Monday, May 3, we will perform a taxonomy update for DoubleVerify. This will enable DoubleVerify’s recently introduced Brand Suitability Tiers and ensure alignment between our UI and DoubleVerify’s new naming conventions. We will automatically map your existing segments to the new Brand Suitability Tiers so as a result, be aware that some segment names may change.

GDPR Consent String Changes

On April 12, we will change the behavior of our {GDPR_CONSENT_STRING} macro. Previously our macro would encode an already encoded consent string resulting in the consent string being encoded twice. Going forward, since they are already encoded, we will no longer encode incoming consent strings a second time.

Reporting and Measurement

Deprecation of Query Tool: June 30th

This is a reminder that our old reporting interface, Query Tool, will be deprecated on June 30th. In preparation for this transition, if you haven’t already, be sure to rebuild all saved/scheduled reports in Report Builder, and, if applicable, migrate from Query Tool APIs to Report Builder APIs.

Please be in touch with any feedback you may have.

 March March 2021 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we’re pleased to announce that user-based fields, including frequency caps, are now available in Bid Models! Other releases include new supply integrations, geo conversion reporting for SKAdNetwork, and a pricing update for IAS Verification Solutions.

Highlighted Release

User-Based Fields in Bid Models

User-Based Fields such as Targeted Segment, Segment Recency, and Frequency are now available to be used in Bid Models. Valuable segments such as retargeting audiences may now be used in combination with other highly performant variables to inform bid prices. These new fields increase the flexibility of what’s already one of the most flexible and powerful custom optimization solutions in-market. Please see below for a quick overview of how these fields are used:

  • Targeted Segment:
    • Based off segment ID values
    • Bid Models do not support dynamic segments
  • Segment Recency:
    • Requires two columns to activate—”targeted_segment” and “segment_recency”
    • “segment_recency” values are aligned with predefined recency windows
  • Frequency:
    • Requires two columns to activate—User ID type and “frequency_window”
    • There are seven user ID types that may be used, and the User ID column specifies the ID type and frequency count. Please note that only one User ID type may be used per Bid Model.
    • “frequency_window” specifies the lookback window for impressions
    • Similar to “segment_recency,” the values used for User IDs and “frequency_window” refer to predefined values. 

Please see our documentation on GitHub for more details.

Campaign Management

New Supply Integrations

This month we have added new inventory from: 

  • Criteo: header supply for desktop display in the U.S.
  • TripleLift: mobile and desktop display, video, and native inventory as well as mobile in-app in the U.S., EU, and APAC
  • Rich Audience: mobile and desktop display, video, and native inventory as well as mobile in-app in the U.S., EU, and LATAM

Reporting and Measurement

Geo Conversion Reporting Update

To assist with the forthcoming changes from Apple restricting IDFA, we are adding the geo-based fields below to the Conversion Report and Conversion Logs. 

  • geo_city
  • geo_country
  • geo_metro
  • geo_region
  • geo_zip 

These fields are not limited to just SKAdNetwork conversions and will be available for regular conversions as well. In scenarios where data is unavailable, the fields will be left blank.

IAS Verification Solutions Pricing Correction

Per a contractual update with IAS, as of March 8, vendor fees for IAS’s display Verification Solutions will change from a $0.10 CPM to a $0.14 CPM.

Please be in touch with any feedback you may have on the above

February 2021 - Beeswax Release Notes

This month we’re pleased to announce that Bulk Edits for Targeting has entered open beta, any interested customer may now test this new feature. We are also announcing cross-device frequency capping and some platform changes.

Highlighted Release

Bulk Edits for Targeting Entering Open Beta

Following our limited beta from last month, we are opening up the use of targeting bulk edits to all customers. During our limited beta, targeting bulk edits supported the following five operations:

  • Add to Existing
  • Remove All Values
  • Find & Remove
  • Find & Replace
  • Replace All Values

With the latest release, we have also added several usability improvements including detailed error reporting, improvement in information architecture, ability to skip invalid line items, and making the entry point of bulk editing more visible. 

To enable bulk edits for targeting, please reach out to your account team. Further, to learn more about how to use bulk edits for targeting and what’s coming next, please register for the training here.

Campaign Management

Cross-Device Frequency Capping 

Building on our existing frequency capping functionalities, we are launching cross-device frequency capping via LiveRamp and Tapad IDs. Going forward, users will be able to use LiveRamp’s IDL or Tapad’s ID as primary IDs for frequency capping. 

Using this feature will incur a $0.05 CPM and will enable frequency capping at individual or household levels. This CPM will only be charged if the ID in question is actually used, i.e., it would not be incurred in scenarios where a cross-device ID is the primary ID, but falls back onto another ID.

To enable cross-device frequency capping, please reach out to your account team.

Activity Log Event Storage Changes

Beginning on March 1, 2021, outside of creation events, the Activity Log will no longer maintain events older than 90 days. This will affect users who view the Activity Log or Targeting Activity Logs at the Campaign and Line Item levels, the Activities status window in the Line Item Overview tab, as well as anyone who accesses the Activity Log via API.

Reporting and Measurement

Report Builder Hosting Domain Change

To maintain consistency with an update made in November, links to Report Builder in emails and other locations in the Report Builder UI will now direct to or originate from "" rather than ""  We do not anticipate changes to workflows, and this domain is secure and maintained by Beeswax. Links in existing scheduled reports will continue to work.

Please reach out to your account team with any questions.

January 2021 - Beeswax Release Notes

To kick off the new year, Nielsen third-party data and multi-account support for Report Builder are now available. Please be aware we have also announced the deprecation date of the Query Tool and its corresponding API endpoints: June 30th, 2021.

Highlighted Release

Nielsen Third-Party Data 

Third-party data segments from Nielsen are now available for targeting on web, mobile app, and CTV. Please see below for the specific data sets and categories being made available, as well as the markets they cover:

Data Set

Categories of data

Geographic Market

eXelate Segments

B2B, Demographics, Intent, Interest, Location-based, and Smart Segments

U.S., UK, France, Germany, Spain

Nielsen Segments

B2B, Demographics, FMCG, Tech, TV Viewing, Lifestyle, and Movies

U.S., UK, France, Germany, Spain

Nielsen Buyer Insights Segments

Retail, Entertainment, Financial Services, Restaurants, Travel, and e-Commerce

U.S., UK


TV viewers by channel, program and Ad exposure


VisualDNA Segments

Auto, B2B, Brand, Demographics, Entertainment, Finance, Food & Drink, Gifting, Lifestyle, Mobile & App, Personality, Retail & Consumer Goods, Travel, and TV

U.S., UK, France, Germany, Spain

Nielsen CPG Quotient Segments

Alcohol, Baby, Bakery, Beverages, Dairy, Floral, Frozen, Grocery, Health and Personal Care, Household, Meat and Poultry, Pet Care, Produce, Seafood, and Tobacco & Smoking


Nielsen Auto Cloud Segments

Auto, Auto Insurance, Auto Intenders, Auto Parts and Repair, Auto Warranty, Auto Enthusiasts, and Automotive Repair


Please reach out to your account team to make these segments available.

Reporting and Measurement

Multi-Account Reporting

Multi-Account Support is now available in the Report Builder UI, API, and customer-generated dashboards. With this release, any report may be run against some or all accounts available per a user’s permissions, allowing easy access to cross-account insights.

This update does not affect users who only access a single account.

Multi-account reporting is set in the Report Builder via the new “Account ID Filter” in the “Filters” section at the top of the Report Builder screens. When using the API, it is executed by adding the new account_id_filter parameter to API POST requests and following standard Looker "Number Filter" syntax when generating a new report or pulling saved reports. 

Please note that when saving or running multi-account reports via API, the “group” folder will always be the last Account accessed in the UI. As such, if you intend to run multi-account reports, please make sure to masquerade into the Account you wish to save to or save your reports in a personal folder.

Deprecation of Query Tool and API 0.5 Reporting Endpoints

On June 30th, 2021, we will fully deprecate the Query Tool and its associated API endpoints. Migration to Report Builder must be completed by this time.

Please be in touch with any feedback you may have. 

December 2020 - Beeswax Release Notes

We closed out this year with expanded targeting functionality, Antenna improvements, and test data for sandbox environments.

Highlighted Release

Segment Recency Targeting

Inclusion and exclusion of first-party segments for targeting based on when individuals were associated with that segment is now available to all customers who have migrated to the targeting v2 UI and API. This powerful feature lets you direct campaigns to customers and prospects based on recent site visits, or other touchpoints. 

To apply Recency Targeting to a first-party segment, click on the clock icon next to an active segment in the Targeting screen to pull up the Segment Recency settings.

Recency can be set to “Less than,” “More than,” or “Between” a set number of minutes, hours, days, or weeks up to a maximum of 90 days. You can also streamline workflows by selecting the “Apply to all selected segments” checkbox to apply recency targeting criteria to all active first-party segments. 

API documentation is available here.

Reporting and Measurement

Buzz Object Tables in Antenna

Further building on our Antenna platform for ad hoc data access via SQL, we are now exposing Buzz Object tables, such as Campaigns and Creatives, in Antenna for querying. This allows you to create queries that reference dimensional fields to easily join raw data to data held in the UI, e.g., joining Line Item IDs to Line Item Names. A full list of Buzz Object tables available at launch in Antenna is below:

  • Advertisers
  • Events
  • Bid Modifiers
  • Line Item Flights
  • Line Items
  • Accounts
  • Event Assignments
  • Test Plans
  • Test Groups
  • Segments
  • Campaigns
  • Creatives
  • Creative Line Items
  • FES Segments

Test Data in Sandbox Accounts

One common request we've received from API developers is the ability to see sample test data in the "sandbox" environment. Starting the week of December 14th, sandbox environments will be automatically populated with test data to better enable you to test your API integrations. All buzzkeys have a corresponding sandbox environment that may be accessed by adding “sbx” to the end of your buzzkey, e.g.,

Please note: sandbox reporting is shared across all customers; do not save reports or dashboards if you do not wish for them to be seen by other organizations. All other aspects of your sandbox are specific to your organization and cannot be viewed by other Beeswax customers.

Please be in touch with any feedback you may have. 

November 2020 - Beeswax Release Notes

November’s releases feature new integrations like DoubleVerify measurement, and several improvements such as a new reporting dashboard, upgraded roles/permissioning, and more.

Highlighted Release

  • New Reporting Dashboard: We are retiring our old dashboard for a new, powerful dashboard available directly from the main nav bar! The new dashboard provides at-a-glance insights with clear visualizations to allow users to quickly and easily understand campaign performance. The dashboard is available to all Report Builder enabled customers; please reach out to your customer success manager if you still need to be enabled

Campaign Setup and Execution

  • Roles/Permissions on Buzz 2.0: As we continue our migration to the 2.0 API, the UI and API for “Roles” has been overhauled, providing significant UX enhancements. Customers on our new Report Builder will see the new roles UI; if you are not yet enabled for Report Builder, please contact your customer success manager.  As part of this update, we have also changed some existing concepts and added several new ones such as permission groups and dashboard permissions.
    • Changes to Existing Concepts
      • Active: Has been renamed to “Archive,” no other functional changes.
      • Global: Has been renamed to “Shared Across Accounts.” Multi-account admin users can now create and edit roles that are shared across accounts.
      • Field Name Aliases: This feature has been removed.
      • Field Permissions: Field Permissions on Buzz 2.0 now apply across all reports vs. requiring manual changes to each report for consistency. 
    • New Concepts
      • Permission Groups: “Permission Groups“ apply to “Report Field Permissions,” “Permissions Groups” are logical groupings of reporting fields that can be enabled and disabled as a group to streamline permissions settings for many individuals. Please note permissions can still be set individually on the field level. 
      • Dashboard Permissions: As part of this release, we’ve revamped our Dashboards, and as such, have added support for "Dashboard Access" in Permissions. Dashboards will respect the same permissions as your Reports, so note that for more nuanced permissions, Dashboards may not display as expected. 
  • Please note the above changes to roles and permissions only apply to v2.0 and are not supported for users of the v0.5 API.
  • IronSource Supply Integration: IronSource in-app display and video inventory is now available
  • Name Macros: We now have support for the macros below
    • PUBLISHER_NAME: publisher name that the impression was served on
    • ADVERTISER_NAME: advertiser name for the impression
    • CAMPAIGN_NAME: campaign name for the impression
    • LINE_ITEM_NAME: line item name for the impression
    • CREATIVE_NAME: creative name for the impression
  • New Experiment Test Plans: Six new experiment test plans have been added per your feedback. These new experiment test plans and group distributions include the below

Test Plan

Test Groups (with IDs)

One Percent Hold-Out Plan (ID:9)

Control Group (1%) (ID: 27)

Test Group (99%) (ID: 28)

Three-Way Split with Ten Percent Hold-Out Plan (ID:10)

Control Group (10%) (ID: 29)

Group A (45%) (ID: 30)

Group B (45%) (ID: 31)

Three-Way Split with Eighty Percent Hold-Out Plan (ID:11)

Control Group (80%) (ID: 32)

Group A (10%) (ID: 33)

Group B (10%) (ID: 34)

Three-Way Split with Ninety Percent Hold-Out Plan (ID:12)

Control Group (90%) (ID: 35)

Group A (5%) (ID: 36)

Group B (5%) (ID: 37)

Four-Way Split Plan (ID:13)

Group A (25%) (ID: 38)

Group B (25%) (ID: 39)

Group C (25%) (ID: 40)

Group D (25%) (ID: 41)

Four-Way Split with Ten Percent Hold-Out Plan (ID:14)

Control Group (10%) (ID:42)

Group A (30%) (ID: 43)

Group B (30%) (ID: 44)

Group C (30%) (ID: 45)

Reporting and Measurement

  • DoubleVerify Measurement for Display and Video: DoubleVerify measurement for measurable, viewable, and invalid impressions for display and video are now available for web and in-app inventory. Please note the following eligibility requirements apply:
    • Web video inventory must support VPAID
    • App display inventory must support MRAID or OMSDK
    • App video inventory must support OMSDK

DoubleVerify measurement will only be able to report on invalid impressions for CTV environments.

  • Change to {IS_GDPR} macro: Previously {IS_GDPR} represented that an auction was governed by GDPR and that a user had not consented. Starting on November 12, the {IS_GDPR} macro will solely represent whether or not an auction is regulated by GDPR. We are adding a new macro, {IS_GDPR_CONSENTED}, to signal whether a user has granted consent. {IS_GDPR_CONSENTED} will also be provided as a column in auction, bid, and win logs once the change occurs.
  • New send-from email for Report Builder: As of November 5, scheduled emails from Report Builder will now come from the domain instead of This does not apply to emails from Query Tool.

Please be in touch with any feedback you may have.