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There are several ways individual Bid Modifiers terms can be applied.

How it Works

User Level Bid Modifiers (aka User Scoring) - applied to the bid based on the combination of user and segment. To enable, when choosing the segment on the Bid Modifier, select "Yes" for Dynamic. The Bid Modifier factor can come from different sources.

User Level Bid Modifiers allow you to specify a Bid Modifier at user level via the ‘value’ field - which can be declared via three methods:

  • In a Segment Upload


  • In a Segment Tag specified as a parameter within the query string of the URL.

<img  src="" height="0" width="0">

  • Via a customer’s Custom Augmentor when appending data to the bid request.

message Segment {

 optional string id = 1;

 optional string value = 2;


Please note for any user id that does not have an associated value, the default value will be what’s set in the modifier field for that particular Bid Modifier.

  • Segment Recency in Bid Modifiers

Segment Recency is a feature that lets you set bid modifiers based on when users were added to a given 1st party segment. For example, suppose people who visit a brand’s site are put into a segment called “Auto Intenders” and you want to bid more for people who have visited in the last 48 hours. Segment Recency enables you to bid more or less on individual auctions depending on how long ago that user was added to a particular segment.

List Item Bid Modifiers - applied to the bid based on the item within a list. To enable, when choosing the list on the Bid Modifier, select "Yes" for Dynamic. 

List Item Bid Modifiers allow you to specify a Bid Modifier at list item level via the ‘value’ field:


Please note for any list item that does not have an associated value, the default value will be what’s set in the modifier field for that particular Bid Modifier.

Boolean Expression- input a custom Boolean expression, granting you the ability to tag each clause with a bid multiplier. This functionality will only work for segments. For a boolean expression, only the value entered in the modifier will be used.  If a value is included on the user-segment association (as explained in the “User-Level Bid Modifiers” section above), it will not be respected.