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Table of Contents

Table of Contents





Creating a campaign allows creating particular settings like start/end dates


and budget for a group of desired line items. The line items associated with a campaign can be relative to one another, which could be a reason they are grouped together for a particular campaign. An example use case of a campaign could be an advertisement that has both web and mobile creative formats. Each of these formats can be associated to their own respective line item that both fall under the same campaign. Essential settings can be set on the line item level and do not have get adopted from the campaign-level settings. This could include a separate start/end date, budgeting and targeting. To view how to create a campaign in Beeswax, please see Create a Campaign.

UI Expand
titleCampaign Related Definitions

Field NameDescription

In order to create a Campaign, an Advertiser must be created prior so the campaign may be assigned to an Advertiser.

Campaign Name*Desired name for the campaign. This will be relative to the purpose of the Campaign, like a new product for example.
Set Campaign, Line Item, or Targeting Preset.

Presets can be applied to Campaigns to inherit the values configured in the preset. This will override any values which have been defined when creating the campaign manually.

Custom Event Association (Y/N)Select whether or not to enable custom event association to track conversions, installs, or other key activities.

Experiments (Y/N)

  • When the toggle is set to Yes, a new Experiment tab appears on the object that allows a Test Plan to be associated with the campaign. 

  • When the toggle is set to No, the experiment tab does not appear. The toggle is set to "No" by default.

  • If the toggle is set to Yes but no Test Plan is selected in the Experiment tab before closing the window, the toggle gets reset to No. It is recommended to set up the Experiment after creating both the Campaign and Line Item.
Enable SKAd Tracking (Y/N)Select "Yes" to run and track mobile app install campaigns on IOS 14 or later.


Start/End Date*

To schedule a Campaign, set a Start Date and an optional End Date. If an End Date is not set the Campaign will continue running until it runs out of Budget or is made inactive.

CurrencySelect the desired Currency this campaign will operate at. 

Set the target overall Budget and optional Daily Budget. Budgets can be set in Spend or Impressions.


Campaign budgets will always supersede budget set on a line item. This means that once a daily budget is hit at the campaign or lifetime level, the budget will no longer spend.


To set up revenue calculation, select a revenue type and set an amount. Read more about how Beeswax calculates revenue and margins.

Delivery & Bidding



frequency caps at the Campaign level.

Segment Extension


When wanting to extend audience to additional devices at the person or household level, there is an option to select the FreeWheel ID Network or LiveRamp.
Bid Modifier



Modifiers are used to adjust bids based on specific parameters like


ad size, domain, or


segment. Select from an existing


modifiers or create a new one to be inherited by the underlying line items.

Delivery ModifierDelivery modifiers allow users to


assign target budget weight percentage against a defined set of inventory (Deals, Domain list, Geos, etc.).
Ghost Bidding (in beta)Ghost


Bidding allows customers to run incrementality tests (A/B) without spending budget on Public Service Advertisements. The feature creates a test and control group and predicts impressions for the control group. Customers can then view incrementality reporting in Report Builder.
Alternative IDAny number or string used to map this object to an object in the system.



Accessing Campaigns Page

To access the Campaigns page, navigate to TraffickingCampaigns at the top of the screen in Beeswax.


Campaigns List View

List View Fields

Column NameDefinition
Name & IDCampaign Name and unique ID.
Line ItemsThe line Items that are associated to this Campaign. Clicking the number will navigate to the Line Items list view screen.
StatusActive or Inactive. The Campaign will not spend if set to Inactive.
BudgetTotal budget allocated to the Campaign. The number displayed on top is the total budget, while the bottom number is the remaining budget.
Start/End DateCampaign Start and End date set during the creation process.
Today SpendTotal spend Spend on the specific current day of viewing.
Lifetime SpendCampaign lifetime total spend.
Today ImpressionsImpressions gathered served on specific current day of viewing.
Lifetime ImpressionsTotal impressions over course of Campaign life cycle.
Edit ModeBy selecting the "Edit" toggle at the top of list view, the Campaign's columns become editable. This allows a quick way to change simple Campaign settings from the list view.
Quick Filters PanelThese are pre-set filters to use on the campaign list view that will sort the view according to the filters. 
Manage ColumnsSelecting this button at the top of the list view will bring users to a pop-up that allows the customization of the columns shown in the list view. 
Download AsDownloadable list of all Campaigns in account, including all fields in current list view, in the following formats CSV, XLSX, JSON, XML.
Lock FiltersSelecting "Lock Filters" at the bottom right of the list view will disable the ability to change any current filters in view. 
