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titleList of Features and Updates

A Shared Block
shared-block-key24.3.27 Release

Table of Contents


titleAbout the Release

Release Version: 24.7.17

Release Date: July 31, 2024

titleOther Information


Undo and Redo Actions on the


Ad Server Grid

What is it? The Traffic Ad Server grid now has undo and redo buttons, making it possible to undo actions and redo undone actions when managing Ad Placements. 

The undo and redo buttons are enabled once changes to the Traffic Ad Server grid have been made, and before saving. Once changes have been saved, the buttons are disabled until the next change is made.

Where is it? This new feature affects the Traffic Ad Server grid / Ad Server dashboard, located on the External Integrations tab.

Do I need to do anything? No — this new feature is automatically available for all OneStrata enterprises.

View Invoice Costs in the Unit Calendar and Actualization Grids

What is it? The Billing Periods grid (part of the Unit Calendar), Standard Actualization grid, and Margin Actualization grid now display invoice costs. Previously, invoice costs were not available in OneStrata.

All three grids have two new columns:

  • Invoiced Amount: The sum of all invoices that have been matched or cleared against the billing period, Cost Line, or order.
  • Cleared Invoiced Amount: The sum of all invoices that have been cleared against the billing period, Cost Line, or order.

Viewing invoices costs directly in OneStrata makes it easier to:

  • Reference the amount invoiced for a given billing period during media planning, which contributes to the lowest minimum value of the containing Schedule grid line.
  • Reference vendor invoice totals during actualization, allowing users to directly compare delivered actuals and total amount invoiced.

For more information, see Billing Periods Grid Reference,Standard Actualization Grid Reference, and Margin Actualization Grid Reference.

Where is it? These new columns affect the following areas:

  • The Billing Periods grid, located on the Unit Calendar widget, within the Schedule grid
  • The Standard Actualization and Margin Actualization grids, located on the Actualization tab

Do I need to do anything? No — these new columns are automatically available for all OneStrata enterprises.


Agency Approval and Advertiser Approval Permissions Are Separated

What is it? The Advertiser View management permissions are separated between (internal) agency-related permissions and (external) advertiser-related permissions.

  • Previously, there was one permission to send schedule approval requests and one permission to approve/decline schedule approval requests.
  • Now, these permissions are distinct:
    • The ability to request agency approval of a schedule is separate from the ability to request advertiser approval of a schedule
    • The ability to approve/decline an agency approval request is separate from the ability to approve/decline an advertiser approval request

For more information, see the Campaigns > Advertiser View > Management permissions on the User Role Permissions Reference page.

Where is it? This change affects the following areas:

  • The Advertiser View page, located on the Schedule tab
  • Advertiser View-related user role permissions, which are managed on the Administration > User Management > User Roles tab

How am I affected? This change has impacts on existing user roles:

  • User roles that had the general Campaigns > Advertiser View > Management > Request Approval permission enabled automatically have both of the following permissions enabled:
    • The ability to request agency approval of a schedule
    • The ability to request advertiser approval of a schedule
  • User roles that had the Campaigns > Advertiser View > Management > Approve / Decline permission enabled automatically have both of the following permissions enabled:
    • The ability to approve/decline an agency approval request
    • The ability to approve/decline an advertiser approval request

Do I need to do anything? No — these changes are automatically applied to all OneStrata enterprises.

Estimate Flight Dates Are Validated Against Committed Cost Line Dates 

What is it? Some of the backend logic used for estimate date validation was updated:

  • Previously, the start and end dates of an estimate could be changed freely.
  • Now, the start and end dates of an estimate must completely cover the flight dates of all committed Cost Lines linked to the estimate:
    • The start date of the estimate must be the same day or earlier than the earliest start date of any committed and linked Cost Line.
    • The end date of the estimate must be the same day or later than the latest end date of any committed and linked Cost Line.

Only active, committed Cost Lines (Cost Lines with the Committed status) that are linked to the estimate are validated against. The following types of linked Cost Lines are not included in the estimate date validation:

  • Canceled Cost Lines: Cost Lines with the Draft - Cancelled or Cancelled status
  • Uncommitted Cost Lines: Cost Lines with the Draft - New status
  • Cost Lines with uncommitted new changes: Cost Lines with the Draft - Revised status

Where is it? This change affects the following areas:

  • The Estimates grid, located on the Finance tab
  • The Finance > Estimates page

How am I affected? Any existing estimates with invalid dates (the flight dates of the estimate do not completely cover the dates of all linked, committed Cost Lines) are not affected; the estimate's dates are not automatically updated in order to fit the new date validation rules. The date validation rules only apply when the dates of an estimate are manually changed by a user.

Do I need to do anything? No — this change is automatically applied to all OneStrata enterprises.

Updated Ad Server Dashboard

What is it? The Ad Server dashboard has been updated:

  • The breadcrumb navigation in the campaign header section is more detailed, and contains a link back to the External Integrations Overview dashboard.
  • There are new sections for provider login, external campaign details, and campaign date progress tracking.
  • The Provider dropbox (which allowed users to change the Ad Server provider displayed on the Ad Server dashboard) has been removed.

For more information, see Ad Server Dashboard UI Elements.

Where is it? This change affects the Ad Server dashboard, located on the External Integrations tab.

How am I affected? With the removal of the Provider dropbox, users can no longer change Ad Server providers while on the Ad Server dashboard. Instead, users must first navigate back to the External Integrations Overview dashboard in order to select a different Ad Server provider.

Do I need to do anything? No — this change is automatically applied to all OneStrata enterprises.