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As the Identity landscape in AdTech continues to evolve, email addresses are emerging as a primary key for identity integrations across the board. One example to illustrate this is the prevalence of an email address as the primary key of many universal ID solutions, such as TTDThe Trade Desk's UID2.0, LiveIntent, ID5, and many others. As a result, buyers in the AdTech space have started to center their first-party Identity strategy around scaling their programs to collect or license email addresses. In response, Beeswax has added Hashed Email Addresses (HEMs) to the FreeWheel Identity Network. This solution offers a shortcut for clients to skip Personal Identifiable Information-based (PII) segment onboarding, and go straight to segment uploading and clean-room-based measurement. The FreeWheel Identity Network has a total of 399 Million distinct hashed emails at both the person and household levels. This page will focus on new information due to adding focuses on uploading Hashed Email Addresses into the FreeWheel Identity Networksegments directly on Beeswax


Use Cases


There are a number of use cases in which email-based audiences or identity data can unlock the value of data faster and cheaper than current available options. Below are two use cases for Hashed Emails in FreeWheel Identity Network: 


Currently, Beeswax offers a Segment Extension use case to upload email-based segments directly instead of relying on a traditional onboarder's time and cost requirements.



Instructions for Use


This feature is available for all Beeswax customers . Please reach out to your Beeswax representative to have this feature onboarded.who have FreeWheel Identity Network fees will apply, there is no fee to use Hashed Emails.  


enabled. Although Hashed Emails is a no-cost feature, FreeWheel Identity Network audience extension fees still apply. Please reach out to your


Beeswax representative for more information



  1. Ask your Beeswax representative to enable FreeWheel Identity Network. 

  2. Ask your Beeswax representative to send you the FreeWheel salt via email.

  3. You will then need to hash the emails with


  1. the following parameters:
    1. Encryption type: SHA-
    1. 256
    2. Salt:
    A 64-character string shared to customers for use in generating compatible HEMs.


    1. Please reach out to your


    1. Beeswax representation to


    1. receive the Salt


Step for Enablement

  1. Ask your Beeswax account representative to be enabled/setup for FreeWheel’s Identity Network.
  2. Apply the FreeWheel salt to the email address. See below for example: 
UI Text Box

    SHA2(CONCAT(email,'{FW SALT}'), 256) AS email_sha256 
FROM customer_crm_data 

Segment Uploading 

  • Prepare a process to upload segments to Beeswax, in addition to the regular instructions, this process should also include the following: 
    • Key the segment deliveries on email addresses
    • Hash the email address with the salt shared by FreeWheel/Beeswax 
    • Deliver the segments to Beeswax as usual

Reporting and Logs

As with other graphs, Beeswax will include the Hashed Emails alongside other graph data in internal logs, but they are unavailable in customer logs, bidding agents, and augmenters. Clients who require Hashed Emails in their ad exposure or other logs will be made available via AIM’s 1P ID Enriched LLD via the Clean Room solution.


    1. Case Sensitive: Emails must be upper case prior to hash (i.e. BEESWAX@BEESWAX.COM)
  1. Once the emails are hashed, you can then follow the typical segment upload instructions


    When selecting the file format for segment upload, be sure to select File Format as Beeswax Pipe-Delimited File and User ID Type as HEM.

  2. Once the segments have been uploaded into Beeswax, you can target the segments on the line item. Given HEMs do not come through on the bid request, you will need to apply FreeWheel Identity Network audience extension at either the campaign or line item level in order to deliver on the HEM segments. 

  3. Please note, HEMs are not currently passed in log level data. Future product enhancements will allow customers to report on HEMs via a Clean Room, however, this is not currently available. 




What are HEMs? 

  • Hashed Email addresses are encrypted email addresses used for identifying and targeting users while maintaining consumer privacy. They are built from clear-text email addresses. They are used to enable personalized advertising without exposing raw email addresses. 


Is there any additional cost for HEMs? 

  • FreeWheel Identity Network fees across use cases apply. Beeswax will not charge customers extra for using HEMs versus other identifiers. 


How are HEMs tied into the FreeWheel Identity Network? 

  • The FreeWheel Identity Network is a PII-Anchored graph. One of those PII signals are email addresses. We have used the PII-Anchored core to create and add HEMs into the FreeWheel Identity Network. 


Are there any restrictions on what type of Email Service Providers are supported? 

  • None; No, we support all service providers. 


Is this available globally? 

  • This Similar to the FreeWheel Identity Network, this is currently only available in the US.


How can a customer use their HEM keyed segments? 

  • Segment Extension via the Identity Network must be turned on at the campaign or line item level for HEM keyed segment targeting. 


What kind of email addresses will my client need? 

  • Customers should already have email addresses at scale in clear text.  


Can this be used in RUF or segment filter? 

  • RUF can currently use it by enabling Identity Network in the targeting template. Segment filter does not support graph expansion. 


Can we provide HEMs to customers? 

  • We will only provide HEMs to customers via an upcoming feature.


Do we expect to see HEMs on incoming requests? 


Can I filter QPS based on my HEM segments if I have my own Beeswax bidder? 

  • We can filter QPS on HEM segments using our Realtime User Filtering feature. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager to set this upNo, we do not expect to see FreeWheel Identity Network-style HEMs on incoming auctions. As a result, HEMs can only be leveraged when utilizing the FreeWheel Identity Network extension at the campaign and line item level.  


What is a Hash? 

  • A technical method to encrypt personal data while allowing for targeted advertising. It is one-way and secure, making it extremely difficult to reverse-engineer. This approach allows us to offer an email-based identity solution in an ethical and privacy-preserving manner. 


Why SHA256? 

  • It is a part of the Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (SHA2) family of cryptographic hash functions known for its strong security and performance characteristics. It is widely trusted in various industries and was recommended by our partners in the FreeWheel and Comcast Information security departments. 


What is a salt? 

  • A “salt” in the context of cryptography and data security is a random data string added to an input before hashing. This technique enhances security by making common attacks less effective. 


Does everyone get the same Salt? 

  • Yes, due to the high security standard employed via combining SHA-256 and a “salt”, this allows us to simplify our tech stack while maintaining extremely high-levels of security. 


Do customers need to sign the Identity Network Attachment? 

  • No, HEMs are considered a part of the core Identity Network. The attachment is required for customers wishing to employ first-party ID Onboarding. 


When should a customer use First-Party ID Onboarding via PII vs via HEMs? 

  • Generally, if a customer has more than HEMs (names, postal addresses, phone numbers), they will have higher quality and greater matching scale than just using HEMs. Also, using the PII onboarder offers additional flexibility in the types of matching we can do with emails vs the character based match that HEMs are limited to.