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Rapid privacy changes such as increased regulations and the depreciation of third-party cookies, device IDs, and IP addresses make it difficult for marketers to reach their target audiences, manage delivery, and measure outcomes. To overcome such challenges, FreeWheel’sIdentity FreeWheel’s Identity Network creates interoperability across various industry ID solutions, third-party IDs, and customer first-party identity assets to simplify workflows and enable privacy-safe, identity-enabled transactions. 

Beeswax users utilizing FreeWheel’sIdentity FreeWheel’s Identity Network get a unified view of audiences across all supply pools and have the ability to scale addressable campaigns, accurately manage reach and frequency, and measure outcomes.


  1. On the Campaigns > Overview page, go to the Segment Extension section.
  2. From the Select Extension Vendor dropdown menu, select Extend with FreeWheel ID Network. The value shows the CPM cost associated with the data product usage.
    • Users have the choice to extend with FreeWheel, Liveramp, and Tapad graphs. DSP clients do not have access to Tapad.
  3. From the Segment Extension dropdown menu, select any one option:
    • Person - extends to all devices and IDs at the person/individual level.
    • Household - extends to all devices and IDs that belong to all the people in a household.
    • Person Extend Only - extends to all devices and IDs at the person/individual level without using the original IDs on the bid request.
    • Household Extend Only - extends to all devices and IDs at the household level without using the original IDs on the bid request.
  4. Fill in the other required fields and sections and select Save to continue. 

Configuring Frequency Capping at the Campaign level:
