Use * syntax for faster search

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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Table of Contents

Table of Contents



In order to get started with segment uploads, you will require an existing segment object to which you will upload your User IDs or IPs.

Steps to Create Segments

Segments can be created via the Buzz API, or via the Buzz UI by using the following steps:

1. Having logged into the correct Buzz Account, go to Trafficking > Segments.

2. This will take you to a page where you can see a list of existing segments either at account-level or Advertiser-level, by selecting an Advertiser from the dropdown. In order to create a new segment, click on the ‘+New’ > ‘Segment’.

3. This will take you to the ‘Create a Segment’ pane where you can begin inputting values for the relevant fields:

4. Select Advertiser: select an Advertiser from the dropdown in order to associate this segment to a specific Advertiser. This will mean that the segment can only be targeted on line items belonging to that Advertiser. Leaving this blank will place the segment at Account Level, and allow any advertiser to target the segment.

5. Segment Name: specify the name of the segment (required)

6. Time-to-Live (TTL) Days: specify a time-to-live for users within the segment, in ‘Days’. Once a user is added to the segment via a pixel or segment upload, this defines how long they will remain in the segment for. The default value for new segments is 30 days,, and 90 days is the maximum value. Additional granularity can be achieved by creating the segment via the API, allowing you to input time-to-live in seconds. Note that this value can not be changed once the segment has been created.

7. Verb Usage: define the way in which line items can use the segment in targeting. For example, segments with a ‘Verb Usage’ of EXCLUDE, will not be able INCLUDE or REQUIRE users when being applied to a line item. Note that this value can not be changed once the segment has been created.

8. Alternative ID: specify an Alternative ID for the segment. This can be used if the segment needs to be mapped to a third party platform (e.g. a customer-built UI or proprietary Data Management Platform).

9. Description: give the segment a description (e.g. how it should be used, classification of the users inside) or add any notes you would like attached to the segment.

10. Active: choose whether you would like your segment to be inactive or active. Inactive segments will not be targetable at line item level. De-activating segments DOES NOT remove them from QPS if using Advanced Filtering.

11. Save & Continue (to leave the Segment pane open) or Save & Close.

12. Using the Tag Type field, you can export the segment for implementation in web (e.g. on a site) or mobile app environments.

  • Iframe tag that includes exchange sync pixels (recommended for desktop)
    • Using this tag will fire a number of sync with Beeswax exchanges when loaded by the user. This helps to increase the presence of Beeswax User IDs in bid requests, and improve your ability to identify users. Note: contact your Beeswax account manager before implementing this if your organisation is subject to GDPR.
  • Tag for implementing in mobile apps with user_id passed in manually
    • Export this URL to be called in order to add a user to a segment in a mobile app environment. The users device ID must be manually populated just after the &user_id= parameter in the URL.
  • Image tag for adding a user into a segment
    • This is your typical website-based pixel and is exported as an HTML tag and should be implemented in an HTML environment (site or container).
  • Image tag using Alternative ID to add users into a segment
    • Similar to the above, however uses the Alternative ID of the segment to add users into the segment.