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New Programmatic Insights is a new section of Programmatic module that will be available in 6.42. The initial release provides users with access to both real-time and historical batch data to provide up-to-date information to help traffic and troubleshoot deals. The user experience has been improved to reduce the response time of queries as well as passing filter conditions between dashboards and customized table views.

This product will be enhanced incrementally over the coming year based on client feedback. We ask that clients provide feedback through their normal account teams so that we can factor these into our roadmap.

New Programmatic Insights will be available to all Programmatic module users. No action is required to enable. In addition, the existing version of Programmatic Insights will remain available and accessible within your network until December 7, 2021 (6.46 Release).

New User Interface

The initial release of new Insights will contain the following sections (below). Additional sections, such as Creative Troubleshooting, will be included in future MRM releases.

  • Overview: The Overview tab will be the Insights landing page and will display key metrics with graphs as well as charts breaking down metrics and top-performing deals and DSPs.
  • Supply: Supply tab will capture metrics on inventory and further broken down by device, ad unit, and network item.
    • Site Section Troubleshooting will be renamed to Metadata Troubleshooting and will be moved from the existing Programmatic Insights to the Supply section of New Programmatic Insights. Site Section Troubleshooting will not be available in the existing Programmatic Insights.
    • A new tab called Inventory Planning will be introduced at the time of the launch. This tab will capture Remaining Avails and allow clients to forecast and plan for future programmatic sales.
  • Demand: Demand tab will capture metrics from DSPs and other demand partners and provide information on the DSP, the buyer, advertisers, and creatives.
  • Deals: The Deals tab provides a high-level breakdown of deals with pre-delivery, delivery, revenue, and performance metrics both in real time and historical batch data.
    • The Real Time dashboard of the existing Programmatic Insights will be moved to New Programmatic Insights Deals section.
  • Deal Details: Deal Details tab will provide a deep-dive with additional metrics for performance and troubleshooting. The troubleshooting section will be further broken down with metrics on failed and filtered bids and endpoint errors.

Below is the complete list of tabs currently scheduled for release and their data policies.

TabReleaseData LatencyData RetentionMax Date Selection
Overview6.42 (May 11)15minPrevious 3 months + Current month31 days

  • Performance
6.42 (May 11)6hrsPrevious 3 months + Current month31 days
  • Inventory Planning
6.42 (May 11)1 dayFuture 90 daysN/A
  • Site Troubleshooting
6.43 (July 6)


28 Days7 days
  • Metadata Troubleshooting
6.42 (May 11)15min14 days7 days

  • Performance
6.42 (May 11)6hrsPrevious 3 months + Current month31 days
  • Creative Troubleshooting
6.45 (Oct 26)


28 Days7 days


  • Performance
6.42 (May 11)15minPrevious 3 months + Current month31 days
  • Troubleshooting
6.44 (Aug 31)


28 Days7 days
Deal Details

  • Performance
6.42 (May 11)6hrsPrevious 3 months + Current month31 days
  • Troubleshooting
6.42 (May 11)15min28 days7 days

Metric Changes

New Metrics

Remaining Avails in Played Slot is a new forecasting metric available in New Programmatic Insights utilizing a new data model that will capture inventory avails; it will only be available for dates in the future.

Renamed Metrics

The following metrics will have new names in New Programmatic Insights. The definitions are unchanged and the names will remain unchanged in the existing Programmatic Insights.

Current NameNew Name
Bids Won in Played SlotSelected Ads in Played Slot
Bids Won in Played Slot - PrimarySelected Ads in Played Slot - Primary
Bids Won in Played Slot - FallbackSelected Ads in Played Slot - Fallback
Bids WonSelected Ads
Bids Won - PrimarySelected Ads - Primary
Bids Won - FallbackSelected Ads - Fallback
Playback Ratio - Primary(%)Playback Rate - Primary
Response Ratio (%)Response Rate
Failed Bids Ratio (%)Failed Bids Rate
Filtered Bids Ratio (%)Filtered Bids Rate
Win Rate - Primary(%)Selected Ads Rate - Primary
Win Rate (%)Selected Ads Rate
Win Rate - Valid Bids(%)Selected Ads Rate - Valid Bids
Avg Price - Bids WonAvg Price - Selected Ads
0% CompleteMeasurable Video Ads Quartile Impressions
25% Complete Video Ads 25% Complete
50% CompleteVideo Ads 50% Complete
75% CompleteVideo Ads 75% Complete
100% CompleteVideo Ads 100% Complete
Response EmptyResponse Error - Empty
Response TimeoutResponse Error - Timeout
Response FailureResponse Error - Failure

Removed Metrics

Due to low utilization in reporting products, the following metrics will be not available in the new Programmatic Insights. FreeWheel recommends using Gross Delivered Impressions, Net Delivered Impressions, and Playback Rate - Primary as alternatives.

  • Gross Delivered Impressions - Primary
  • Gross Delivered Impressions - Fallback
  • Net Delivered Impressions - Primary
  • Net Delivered Impressions - Fallback
  • Playback Rate

Related Deprecations

Removal of Programmatic Insights

What does this mean?  The current version of Programmatic Insights (Programmatic module) is planned to be removed from the MRM UI on December 7, 2021 (6.46 Release).

Why is this being removed?   New Programmatic Insights was released in 6.42 and will receive future updates and new features as part of the Programmatic module product roadmap. New Programmatic Insights will satisfy use cases of Programmatic Insights prior to the latter's removal from the MRM UI.  New Programmatic will be enhanced incrementally over the coming year based on client feedback. We ask that clients provide feedback through their normal account teams so that we can factor these into our roadmap.

What do I need to do?  Users are recommended to begin using New Programmatic Insights, which will be enabled for all clients with Programmatic module. Documentation for New Programmatic Insights is available on the HUB.

After the 6.46 Release, the following HUB documentation will have new URLs; you will need to update your bookmarks if you have any of these pages bookmarked.

Am I affected?  This will impact clients using Programmatic module. Programmatic Insights will remain available through 2021 but users are encouraged to transition to New Programmatic Insights.

Target Removal Date:  December 7, 2021 (6.46 Release)

Removal of Programmatic Avails in Played Slot metric

What is it?  On May 11, 2021 (6.42 Release), Programmatic Avails in Played Slot will be removed from the current Programmatic Insights (Programmatic module) and Analytics in the 6.42 release. It will not be available in New Programmatic Insights.

Why is this being removed?  FreeWheel will introduce a new data model for Programmatic module in 6.42. Due to the complexity of Programmatic Avails in Played Slot metric, it will not be transitioned to the new model and will not be available in reporting tools. Clients looking to report on avails can utilize Total Historical Constrained Ad Avails and Historical Unfilled Available in Analytics.

How does this impact me?  If your network will be impacted, your FreeWheel account team will send a separate communication with directions on how to prepare for removal of Programmatic Avails in Played Slot. Clients should remove the Programmatic Avails in Play Slot metric from all scheduled Analytics reports.

Resources:  Documentation will be updated closer to the release. 

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