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What's Changing?

FreeWheel is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of our new Hub on Monday, April 1. Improvements to the Hub, FreeWheel's knowledge portal, will be focused around three key areas: updated look and feel, improved navigation, and content organization.

  • Please note that the migration to the new Hub will occur over the weekend of March 30. We do not anticipate any downtime, but would like all Hub users to be aware of potential performance issues on the Hub server during this time.

New Look

From the new homepage you can quickly access different areas of content and popular pages on the Hub.

For a tour of the new Hub, click here to view a walk through.

New Homepage

Old Homepage

Top Navigation

The top navigation bar can be accessed from all Hub pages. Hover over the dropdown bar to expand options.

To help you quickly locate information, the navigation bar will be organized by

  • Documentation: A centralized area to access user guides for FreeWheel products and TechDocs
  • Solutions Overview: This section provides an overview of our FreeWheel products and services
  • Releases: Access release dates and resources like release brief/guides and webinar information 
  • FreeWheel Academy: Become an expert using FreeWheel technology by registering for an in-person training or webinar; course materials can also be accessed for self-guided learning
  • Resources: Quick links to the Product Forum, policy information, and the Client Support Tool

Reorganized Content Structure

The new Hub is a step towards refreshing and restructuring our documentation. For the launch, we focused on the MRM User Guide by reorganizing the content structure, standardizing article (page) formats, and refreshing high-level articles. We will begin to introduce procedure pages with step-by-step instructions and continue to add more over time.


We hope you find the FAQ helpful. If you have additional questions, please submit them through the New Hub Feedback form.FAQ


How can I access the new Hub?

The new Hub will launch on Monday, April 1. Once the new Hub is available, you will be able to login with your existing Hub username and password.

Will my links to the old Hub work after deprecation?

You will need to update your links when the new Hub launches. While the base URL will remain the same–hub.freewheel.tvsome sections and page titles have been updated. This may mean that any bookmarks or saved URLs will need to be updated. For the MRM user guide, we have renamed articles (pages) for clarity and consolidated select MRM User Guide pages to centralize high-level information.

Did you improve the search function?

We are always working to improve the Hub and investigating ways to improve the search function. As a step towards improving the search, we have removed outdated file attachments to help declutter your search results and rename select pages for clarity.

How do I request Hub permission for a new user?

To request a new Hub user, please reach out to the FreeWheel Support team at .

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